Media source extension video player for live streaming mp4

The main advantage is that it is simple. The popular video players have too many features that are not needed. We already have the playable mp4 chunks, just have to feed them to media source player to get video. No complicated configurations needed or writing files to disk or multi bitrate streams or rewinding. Just (near) live video.


Are you saying that if i wire a server-side node to a UI node, that the data will be sent without me needing to create my own websocket or http server? If yes, then that is the info I am looking for. I need to get a hold of a hollowed out simplistic template of a UI node that can receive data via the msg.payload.

Without me knowing the finer details about your situation, perhaps it was due to sending 5 jpegs per second or something similar? Sending mp4 chunks should use less bandwidth and will at the fastest rate be sent maybe every 2 seconds, which is usually the smallest chunk duration based on my experiments with rtsp cams.

My personal cctv system at my house uses to deliver mp4 and jpeg for 14 cams. Also, a variation of my video player is used on a very popular nodejs based cctv solution.