Memory issues with 3.1.5?

I recently updated nodered from 3.1.2 to 3.1.5, including some nodes which I don't recall exactly.

  • Nodered v3.1.5
  • Node.js V16.02
  • RPI4

Since the update I noticed that the memory used by nodered is slowly increasing (over 24hrs) which makes the system very slow at the end.
I added some flows but they do not cause the problem (disabled them temporarily).
Is there a simple way to roll back to 3.1.2 so I can determine if this is causing the problem?


if you run the bash script with --help at the end
bash <(curl -sL --help
it gives you the options you can use:

bash <(curl -sL --help
Usage: /dev/fd/63 [options]

  --help            display this help and exit
  --confirm-root    install as root without asking confirmation
  --confirm-install confirm installation without asking confirmation
  --confirm-pi      confirm installation of PI specific nodes without asking confirmation
  --skip-pi         skip installing PI specific nodes without asking confirmation
  --restart         restart service if install succeeds
  --allow-low-ports add capability to bind to ports below 1024 (default is disallow)
  --update-nodes    run npm update on existing installed nodes (within scope of package.json)
  --no-init         don't ask to initialise settings if they don't exist
  --nodered-user    specify the user to run as, useful for installing as sudo - e.g. --nodered-user=pi
  --nodered-version if not set, the latest version is used - e.g. --nodered-version="3.0.1"
  --node16          if set, forces install of major version of nodejs 16 LTS
  --node18          if set, forces install of major version of nodejs 18 LTS
  --node20          if set, forces install of major version of nodejs 20 LTS
                    if none set, install nodejs 18 LTS if nodejs version is less than 16,
                    otherwise leave current install

Note: if you use allow-low-ports it may affect the node modules paths - see

notice the version option
--nodered-version if not set, the latest version is used - e.g. --nodered-version="3.0.1"

so you should be able to figure it out from here

Thanks, that was easy to do !
I also found which nodes where updated and downgraded them as well, see what will happen now.

Problem solved!

One node behaved strange, rolled back to an older version and problems are gone.

Thanks for pointing me at the CMDline options!


Can you please share the node so that other people can know if they have the same issue? Thanks.

And did you try upgrading NR to see if everything is fine with the rolled back node but latest NR?

Yes, I've installed the latest version of NR and all nodes except the suspicous one.
All is working fine now and I'm in contact with the author of this node to see what is causing it.


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