I'm currently using dashboards generated by ui_template node, displaying different data and getting messages from dashboard buttons.
The syntax I use for displaying data as example:
{{msg.time}} ... {{msg.date}} ... as placeholder in HTML file.
The buttons feedback messages are sent out directly from HTML as well:
ng-click="send({payload: 'main'})"
I want to migrate my dashboard to a HTML page in template node that uses mustache syntax.
Sending data to the dashboard page is not a problem using similar syntax {{time}} ... {{date}}.
I cant manage to send buttons messages directly from HTML page using the angular format.
my buttons are SVG
<rect class="md-button" ng-click="send({payload: 'main'})"
style="opacity:0.2;fill:#484b4b;fill-opacity:0.00392157;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-width:1;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1;paint-order:stroke markers fill"
id="button3" width="105.47041" height="52.678501" x="251.58435" y="16.125238" rx="7.3898969" ry="6.8063173" />
Is there any way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!