Modbus Device is a Client & Server, Issues connecting to Client

Hello friends,

I am able to connect to this device without issues, however it seems I am only able to connect to the 'Server' of the device. I am at a loss trying to figure out how to connect to the 'client' of this device.

The Device in question is a PV Data Manager with PV Inverters connected through TCP (Ethernet, switches. Not Serial).

This is from the manual

The product is equipped with two Modbus interfaces.
One interface can be controlled via Ethernet (Modbus TCP) and the other interface via RS485 (Modbus RTU).
The Modbus interfaces have the following tasks:
• Remote query of measured values
• Setpoint specifications for system control

The Modbus interfaces differ in their function as:
• Modbus server and
• Modbus client.

The function of the Modbus server is available via the Ethernet interface (Modbus TCP).
The Modbus server can be used for external access to the product (e.g. via SCADA systems).
The function of the Modbus client is available via the Ethernet interface (Modbus TCP) and the
RS485 interface (Modbus RTU). The Modbus client can be used for communication with
onnected Modbus devices...

Until I can connect to the 'Client', I can't pull data from the PV Inverters. If anyone could demystify this for me, I'd be very grateful.

Other Notes

I can connect directly to the Inverters IP Address to get the data

I'd like to be able to make changes that the Data Manager since it should propagate it to all the Inverters cyclically.

Using node-red-contrib-modbus

Thank you,

Edit: Formatting

You can't connect to a modbus client, the modbus client has to connect to a server (for example another modbus device).

I had thought as much, it's just that I couldn't make heads or tails from that manuals description.

Alright, the 'client' is polling the Inverters attached (servers) to it and making it available in it's web dashboard. It is not something I can connect to, and so it has nothing to do with my issue.

I'd have rather not learn modbus from the ground up but I probably should.
I will keep digging.

My original issue is that I need to ETL data from the Inverters, which is extremely limited through the manager, and rather slow if I have to use a delay node when changing connection to each of the inverters with the modbus-flex-connecter.

There must be a setting I'm missing somewhere.

Thank you for a quick response!


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