Modbus Solaredge Inverters -> Floating point

last week I finished my SMA Modbus Query.
Today a friend asked me if we can query his Solaredge Inverter.
It´s the same way with Modbus Getter + Buffer Parser (as @Steve-Mcl showed me):

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but there is one hitch, the scale factor:

the point changes dynamically

Now is the question: How can I use the value in a function to correct the actual value dynamically.


Hi Becker,

use a Join node after the Buffer parsers as suggested in your previous thread.

and once you have all the values simultaneously available use javascript's Math.pow() in a function to do the conversion.

Have you updated buffer parser to latest version V1.4.0?

It now has a scale property for each item...


From the built in documentation...

  • scale A multiplier to apply to the final value. e.g. entering 0.1 will divide the final value by 10. Entering 10 will multiply the final value by 10

so each item you need scaling, you can do it without extra nodes.

After re-reading - I may have missed something.
Are you saying this "scale factor" is dynamic as in "it changes while the invertor runs"?

It seems like it .. from his modbus address table there is a SF (scale factor) for each value
so most probably they need a function after a Join node with something like

msg.payload = msg.payload.PDC * Math.pow(10, msg.payload.PDCs)

[EDIT] looking at each of your buffer parser configuration maybe you dont need the Join node after all .. because both the Value and the Scale Factor are read simultaneously by each buffer parser. Just the function will do for this dynamic calculation.

thanks, I tried a lot with Math.pow before your last post.
I get the Factor, but if I multiply with "PDC" (___W * 0,01) i always get NaN:

I tried also "PDC", [PDC], ["PDC"] :triumph:

@Steve-Mcl the scale factore changes every minute or second


msg.payload = msg.payload.PDC * Math.pow(10, msg.payload.PDCs)

works :woozy_face: :grimacing:

yes .. there was mistake in your right function (screenshot)
["PDC"] doesnt get the value .. msg.payload["PDC"] would with that systax :wink:


the Inverter needs ~100W from the Accu for doing his work.

accu 48V -> Inverter 800V

I got a HV-Accu with 350V and a separate inverter... but firmware is still missing :crazy_face:

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