Dear expert and more experienced coders,
I am trying to edit the MQTT-out of a new set of flows (set2) to basically follow the MQTT-out nodes of an existing set of flows (set1) so that the data from set2 could be uploaded to the same platform with a similar json string format.
In set1, the sensor data are extracted via OPC-UA servers, get converted from Boolean to int (1 or 0) and then put into a "msg.payload" json string as follows, for example:
msg.payload = {"id" : "4", "version": "1.0", "params": [{"deviceKey": "aBCdeFgHi", "measurepoints": {"sensor_object_present": msg.payload }, "time": Time}],"method": ""}
In set2, the different types of data are extracted individually from a SICK device (TDC-E) via http://hwmanager:8000/api/v1/device-info/AvailableMemory and then sent to Node-RED dashboard after formatting as follows, for example:
var AvailableMemory = msg.payload;
msg.payload = AvailableMemory;
//Write NODE status
node.status({ fill: "green", shape: "ring", text: "AvailableMemory: " + AvailableMemory + ""});
//Return message
return msg;
There is also an overall device-info node which extract all the sensor data, format them as follows and then send MQTT message to (the TDC-E router) or (according to the Node-RED example for TDC-E document).
// create new date object. (includes current time)
var now = new Date();
// convert current time to ISO format
// Basic topic for TDC-E meta data
msg.topic = "VD0B8050E8D05CEA581E/S/";
if (msg.payload !== null && msg.payload !== '' ) {
return [{ "payload": now.toISOString() + "|" + msg.payload.DeviceName + "|h|7",
{ "payload": now.toISOString() + "|" + msg.payload.ProductNumber + "|h|7",
{ "payload": now.toISOString() + "|" + msg.payload.SerialNumber + "|h|7",
{ "payload": now.toISOString() + "|" + msg.payload.IMEI + "|h|7",
{ "payload": now.toISOString() + "|" + msg.payload.SystemVersion + "|h|7",
{ "payload": now.toISOString() + "|" + msg.payload.AvailableMemory + "|h|7",
{ "payload": now.toISOString() + "|" + msg.payload.Cpu + "|h|7",
{ "payload": now.toISOString() + "|" + msg.payload.EnvironmentTemperature + "|h|7",
} else {
// handle if variable could not be received
node.warn("Error, receiving picoStratus value.");
A few questions:
- What could be the purpose of this Send MQTT Message node?
- How do I create a json string similar to that in set1 while keeping the existing json string? (Note: While the variable name is like "AvailableMemory", the same variable in the MQTT-out string is like "TDC_E_AvailableMemory".)
Many thanks for your help in advance.
A beginner Node-RED coder
Jo Tan
Admin edit - change block quotes to code blocks