Thank you for both of you about the recommendations! That gave me an idea to search with other keywords, and came up with +2 more possibilities. To summarise:
- There is Serial2Mqtt and Mqtt2Serial
- PRO: easy to give names to the boards (devices) so no error possible to address a wrong one.
- PRO: Can work with Serial-ETH IP too.
- CON: the gateway is not auto-searching ports.
- CON: No failsafe mechanisms. (If serial disconnects, no serial parity etc.)
- CON: only C++ examples
- PRO: Seems to have better error-handling and fail safety. (CRC32, Timeout, ...)
- PRO: downloadable .INO example
- CON: only 1 man developed it, last time 2017
- CON: not too much documentation
- CON: not sure how to handle multiple boards with it.
- PRO: Seems to be a well tested "ready-to-use" solution
- PRO: Works with AtTiny85 boards too
- PRO: Unique Serialnumber can be added to each board (But no auto-check)
- CON: Too much JAVA spec, but pure step-by-step real use-case examples. Trying to put infos together how to make it work.
- CON: serial com has Zero safety protocol.
- CON: not enough infos yet. (will edit later)
- And found an extremely robust 1wire protocol called PJON that can use a Nano board as gateway.
It has a gRPC subproject, and there is a ready-to-use gRPC Node already.
I know it's not MQTT, but on this example video it seems to work very well!
- PRO: the PJON protocol gives a very very stable wiring possibility up to 2000m (See...)
- PRO: up to 256 devices on 1 wire
- PRO: gRPC is well tested too
- PRO: Unique Serialnumber and also worldwide MAC can be added to each board and can be addressed by those !!!
- PRO: AtTiny85 support
- CON: only 3KB/sec transfer rate, (but that's fine for IO ports + sensors)
- CON: Need some Arduino boards to sacrifice to work as gateways only, not as actors. (But they are cheap
- CON: lot's of infos to learn.
See also: 2 router setup to speed up communication example (link).