MSSQL node - Unable to connect all of a sudden

Hi ,

I am using MSSQL contrib node - extensively. All was working till a few hours back.
And then all of a sudden - i have started getting :-1:
I have configuration to DB1 , DB2.
My node was pointing to DB1.

I changed DB2 credentials - and made the node point to DB2. I got below errors.
And now when i move the node back to DB1 - i am getting the below.

class: undefined

code: "ESOCKET"

lineNumber: undefined

message: "Failed to connect to XXXXX:62520 - Could not connect (sequence)"

details: "Failed to connect to XXXXXX:62520 - Could not connect (sequence)"

name: "ConnectionError"

number: undefined

procName: undefined

serverName: undefined

state: undefined

toString: function

I have tried recreating connection and everything. Nothing works.
And the funny thing - the connection from another instance of NR which i did not disturb works to this DB1.

Any inputs will help.

Which MSSQL node (and version) are you using (full node-red-contrib-xxxxxxxx) name please

Also, what version of nodejs and node-red?

node-red-contrib-mssql-plus 0.7.3
Node REd : 2.2.2

nodejs :

node -v

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