Multitouch dashboard


I need to manipulate several sliders and buttons at the same time (simultaneously) to send midi messages. Node Red can do this provided you have 2 Android devices connected to the same dashboard.

But can we simply make the dashboard multitouch?

chatGPT tells me a ui_base node or a ui_multitouch which would have an option to activate multitouch. In my palette, they are nowhere to be found.
It's a mystery.
Thank you for your ideas.

ChatGPT making things up? Shock, horror! Who could have known that! :scream:



Well it is probably correct that a ui_multitouch may do it… if someone had ever written one, but sadly not.

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Yes. I asked chatGPT in french... Perhaps I just got a french answer like french politics do. Élections times. Now i asked the forum :slight_smile:


Just tried this on Android for Dashboard 2.0 - both sliders do move, but there is some influencing factor across the touch. Not sure this is something we can control at the software-level?

Thx for your idea. I just tried with the DB2.0, but it doesn't really work. The sliders are in conflict, and the buttons too. And I need to have vertical sliders (fader) options that basic DB does and not the 2.0.

It would be awesome to play the dashboard with multi touch as a multiplayer mode to make music !

Vertical sliders is on our todo list, shouldnt be too long to wait.

For multitouch, I'll open an issue for investigation once I'm back at my desk tomorrow

Just tried to move 2 sliders with fingers at the vuetify examples page. Some examples do work seamlessly, some with a bit of struggling. So there's may be something but takes deep dive.

Edit: no they struggling all. You can move only to one direction at the time.

It would be awesome.

I noticed other stuff :
Using the basic dashboard, it can be used with several Android devices connected on the same dashboard URL simultaneously.

Using dashboard 2.0, this multiuser tip doesnt work.

What is it youre trying to do? It should work with multiple users? If you mive one slider, it wont impact the other aliders for other users, but any impact of that slider will be shared across users/sessions

Ok, here IS thé description of my project.

The aim is to use node red as a midi remote controller for Ableton to make Electronic music. It receives and generates midi messages using sliders, buttons, switches and multistate switches to monitor the virtual ableton music devices.

My Idea is to use the dashboard in realtime using Android phone devices connected on the same dashboard URL. It is important that sliders move on each Android devices to monitor whats happen in Real Time (as the basic dashboard does).
During a performance, i would be able to share a part of my set up with some people flashing a qr code, to make it interactive.

Multitouch option should be interesting in order to make a piano roll keyboard with momentary buttons.

Do you have any tricks ? Other ideas ?

Thanks for that ! Antoine

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