I'm struggling to send an array of extension objects through from mySQL to an OPC server. When I send values manually (for example I send 3 to point[3].fuseType) it works but I always struggle with the array. The program sends the correct data up until the opc ua client node, but the client node only stores the nodeId, not the value.. Does anyone have any idea?
I made the reverse, read8ngextension object with OPC UA. Bu I had to decode myself the structure, so I think that this extension object is not really supported. My advice I to check this question on github with the developper of OPCUA node. Because it is more a OPC UA trouble than a nodered problem.
Perhaps trying first to read the extension object from the PLC to node read will show you what the node expect to receive
Pierre RUWET
Thank you for your reply! I'll try it out
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