Need help with loading Node-RED without backend

Hi Matt,

I may have some answers that will help, based upon some work I did years ago and discussed in this thread.

Essentially, I needed to launch the Node-RED editor for multiple people, with url params that would redirect the editor to pull the flows.json data from a parameterized rest api (instead of the /admin/flows api using the local flows.jsp file). The net effect is that the full editor runs as-designed, but the actual runtime uses an "empty" flow. This way, the editor can be used as a flow drawing tool, and deployed changes are POSTed back to the external rest api (e.g. saved in a remote database).

So, as long as you don't need any functional back-end flows running, it works perfectly -- and since the server runtime is "empty", there is no need to worry about multiple user logins -- each user that loads the editor pulls their own flows directly into the editor... pretty cool, although not for most use cases!
