Need help with template node

I have created a template node with tabs and I have integrated a froms inside each tab, but my forms are getting a lot and if I keep adding them to the same template node the code will become a ridiculously large. My question is:

Is there a way to have a multiple template node with the forms and some how use a API or teleport or some other method make them appear in the tabs so I can separate this code little bit. I am starting to loose track of which code was for that form and inside witch tab and all of that

So if there is a method of separating that code little bit it will be helpful

Thank you

Are the forms identical?

You could use the new dialog group type to reuse the form on any page.

Is there a reason why you're using the Template, and not using the "Tab" layout type, with the in built form widgets?

Tabs: Layout: Tabs | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

Forms: Form ui-form | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0