New Table node for Dashboard v2.0

I'm using the existing API. Here's my node HTML code:

oneditprepare: function () {
   var $editorScope = this;  // to be used by the validator callback
   this.editor = RED.editor.createEditor({
      id: 'node-input-initObj-editor',
      mode: 'ace/mode/json',
      value: this.initObj

is this the editor you recommend to use?

It does look better and saves screen space

I still don't have a published repository, and developing locally. Once I release the 1st version, I will upload to GitHub

No, but that is a viable option too

Ok, great. Then I suspect you are using an old version of Node-RED or your settings.js is specifically choosing the ace editor.

Either way, you are using the right calls so users will get the editor they chose.

You live on the edge! My laptop failed in December and I am very tech savvy, but I have still not got to the data on the SSD. Even with the bitlocker key! Absolute nightmare.


Thanks very much for the offer.
My project is on hold until tables are better handed and somewhat responsive, so I am very interested in testing out this node.

DM sent.