Hello, I would like some explanation for @omrid01/node-red-dashboard-2-table-tabulator.
My situation: Node: 18.20.3, NR: V4.0.0-beta4, NR Dashboard 2.0 v 1.12.2
I try to manage "Event" notification from that new table node, without result right now.
Based on the documentation of the node, you can add in the node field "Notifications" : rowClick and others value separate with "," if needed. I use the joined node example for my test. But now way to get "tbNotification" messages from the node.
Question: is this "Notifications" field in this node similar to the function
" If the cell has editor = false, a message is sent with "callback : cellClick" from the previous
ui-etable node we had in dashboard 1 ? If someone could help me ?
I found that "cellEdited" give the expected "tbNotification" message. But nothing from "rowDblClick" ? Some idea ? Regards
Another issue I found: When the "Theme file" field is left empty, the filter box at the top of the columns disappears... strange. Is this normal ?
Original : @CSS:tabulator_midnight.min.css
With "Theme file" field empty
When you click on the filter location, then the box appear.