[New Version] alternate-node-red-installer - v3.0.2

@dceejay .thanks for sharing that info. in my docker container i see it runs as root.
Edit: it is highly possible that my inexperienced hands had messed up something. I am install extra stuff in node-red base container as root and that could have caused it to run as root. will report back after taking a deep look (and google searches)

even if it is - then as @TotallyInformation says... why does it matter ? It will be isolated from the main machine unless you open up loads of permissions that you shouldn't really need to.

As a security person I personally do not favor code running as root and has access to file system as root, unless it is really needed. It is just a personal preference.

Just checked. It was my mistake. I installed some packages in docker as root on top of node-red and then forgot to switch back to node-red user. That caused node-red to run as root. After I switched user back to node-red after installing packages it worked great. Apologies for false alarm and commotion.

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