No node.js update on Openmediavault 4.x

Openmediavault 4.1.36-1 (Arrakis) is based on Debian GNU/Linux 9.11 (stretch)

I have used the Pi script long time ago to install Node-RED 2.2 and now tried to install the new 3.1 version
with parameter --node16.

But I get:

Remove old version of Node.js       ✔   v12.22.12
Install Node.js 16 LTS              ✔   v12.22.12   Npm 6.14.16

... and node -v still shows version 12.

According to

... Node.js 16 is supported under Debian Stretch!?

The script states:

 If you wish to stay on nodejs 12 you can update to the latest Node-RED 1.x or 2.x version by adding
  --nodered-version="1.3.7" or --nodered-version="2.2.2" to that install command. If in doubt this is the safer option.

But --nodered-version="2.2.2" does not work!?

First check that
sudo apt update
Followed by
sudo apt full-upgrade
Both work without error, then try the --node16 option again

First check all your nodes are on the latest versions

In the meantime I read the logs and came to the same conclusion. He did not find the repos.
I had to edit the debian sources.list and rerun update & full-upgrade.

Now I'm getting this error with the script:

  Install Node.js 16 LTS              ✘   Bad install:  Node.js missing  Npm missing - Exit cache

After reading the install.log I started the install process manually and get:

root@nas:~# sudo apt-get install nodejs
Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
Die folgenden NEUEN Pakete werden installiert:
0 aktualisiert, 1 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.
Es müssen 27,2 MB an Archiven heruntergeladen werden.
Nach dieser Operation werden 128 MB Plattenplatz zusätzlich benutzt.
Holen:1 stretch/main amd64 nodejs amd64 16.20.2-1nodesource1 [27,2 MB]
Fehl:1 stretch/main amd64 nodejs amd64 16.20.2-1nodesource1
  Writing more data than expected (27212228 > 27210210)
  Hashes of expected file:
   - SHA256:80730cbf61c72b9cf55435cdf8bef44a865cd797bdf4b62b7e3a9151568a0a17
   - SHA1:f3ce40f55d97d4582eed117e4d26fdaa09d46a32 [weak]
   - MD5Sum:94cdd9c58e730374a1cf2c818e8ecedb [weak]
   - Filesize:27210210 [weak]
E: Fehlschlag beim Holen von  Writing more data than expected (27212228 > 27210210)
   Hashes of expected file:
    - SHA256:80730cbf61c72b9cf55435cdf8bef44a865cd797bdf4b62b7e3a9151568a0a17
    - SHA1:f3ce40f55d97d4582eed117e4d26fdaa09d46a32 [weak]
    - MD5Sum:94cdd9c58e730374a1cf2c818e8ecedb [weak]
    - Filesize:27210210 [weak]

I also changed the default gateway, since I have two different routers here to exclude the possibility that the Firewall changes any files.

Any chance to install the latest 2.x version with this (documented) option of the PI script?

If I use the instructions on GitHub - nodesource/distributions: NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions I could install Node.js 16 and afterwards run the PI script.
If I omit the --node16 parameter, the script installs Node-RED 3.1 with the existing Node.js 16.
But if I use the --node16 parameter, the script stops again.

What is in the install log when it fails? /var/log/nodered-install.log

As far as I can see the same error like above:

Holen:1 stretch/main amd64 nodejs amd64 16.20.2-1nodesource1 [27,2 MB]
Fehl:1 stretch/main amd64 nodejs amd64 16.20.2-1nodesource1
  Writing more data than expected (27220422 > 27210210)
  Hashes of expected file:
   - SHA256:80730cbf61c72b9cf55435cdf8bef44a865cd797bdf4b62b7e3a9151568a0a17
   - SHA1:f3ce40f55d97d4582eed117e4d26fdaa09d46a32 [weak]
   - MD5Sum:94cdd9c58e730374a1cf2c818e8ecedb [weak]
   - Filesize:27210210 [weak]
E: Fehlschlag beim Holen von  Writing more data than expected (27220422 > 27210210)
   Hashes of expected file:
    - SHA256:80730cbf61c72b9cf55435cdf8bef44a865cd797bdf4b62b7e3a9151568a0a17
    - SHA1:f3ce40f55d97d4582eed117e4d26fdaa09d46a32 [weak]
    - MD5Sum:94cdd9c58e730374a1cf2c818e8ecedb [weak]
    - Filesize:27210210 [weak]
E: Einige Archive konnten nicht heruntergeladen werden; vielleicht »apt-get update« ausführen oder mit »--fix-missing« probieren?

Versions: node:missing npm:missing
Already have nodejs v16.20.2
OLD nodejs 16 :
NEW nodejs  :

But I also see this warning in the log:

                           SCRIPT DEPRECATION WARNING                    

  This script, located at, used to
  install Node.js is deprecated now and will eventually be made inactive.

  Please visit the NodeSource distributions Github and follow the
  instructions to migrate your repo.

  The NodeSource Node.js Linux distributions GitHub repository contains
  information about which versions of Node.js and which Linux distributions
  are supported and how to install it.

                          SCRIPT DEPRECATION WARNING

Did you run the commands I suggested and make sure there are no errors?

sudo apt update
sudo apt  full-upgrade

Yes, I did.

I am running out of ideas here. What does
apt policy nodejs

node -v
which node

Like I said earlier:

So the issue is solved for me if I use this order.

But maybe the PI script from is not perfect anymore, since the script from claims the above warning: "SCRIPT DEPRECATION WARNING"

Yes I know you have worked around it. The information asked for may help work out what is different with your system.

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