"no schedule" when using ps-strategy-lowest-price

Hi all!
After using my flow a couple of times "ps-strategy-lowest-price" suddenly shows "no schedule". Does anybody has an idea what's wrong?

Thank you!

debug7 says...


Hi @Kalie15 - Welcome to the forums.

If sharing Code/JSON - use back ticks, for it to be read easier.

Code/JOSN Here

I don't use that Node, but given there is no change (onOff is all false)
it would make sense that there is no scheduled change?

If there should be changes, maybe check what is going into it/check docs?

Some here may use it, and may have better ideas

Hi! There was no significant change, beside of the hours (1-23), it‘s the same when using 0-24. The point „off when no schedule“ is important to set with this behavior, otherwise my battery is loading all the time.

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