🎉 Node-RED 3.1.4 released

Node-RED 3.1.4 is now available.

This is mostly a maintenance release with lots of fixes for issues reported since our last release.

There are a couple enhancements thrown in for good measure - not something we typically do for maintenance releases, but these were suitably self-contained to include.

  1. The Configuration Nodes sidebar now shows if any of the nodes have configuration errors


    Highlight errors in config node sidebar by knolleary · Pull Request #4529 · node-red/node-red · GitHub

  2. The Import Nodes dialog for handling conflicts now does a better job of showing what nodes conflict

    Improve feedback in import dialog to show conflicted nodes by knolleary · Pull Request #4550 · node-red/node-red · GitHub

The full changelog is available here: node-red/CHANGELOG.md at 1f412f3d78f06d469cb4495eb5c3b0d7e6c3f07b · node-red/node-red · GitHub


Thanks to the Node-Red team for this release

The pi-release is here! Thanks!

Thanks for the updates.
Although I don't see in the changelog, was this change merged as well ? Or better put - when is it expected to be merged ?

As it was merged into the dev branch, it will be in the next major version (node-red v4).

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