/tmp/persistence.json : ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/tmp/persistence.json '
Try creating an empty file called persistence.json
in side /tmp
I just made dir named tmp. Just a minute.
/tmp/persistence.json : ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/tmp/persistence.json '
tmp/persistence.json : ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'tmp/persistence.json '
root/tmp/persistence.json : EACCES: permission denied, open 'root/tmp/persistence.json '
I make a file in root/tmp/persistence.json with sudo nano, and effect is the same.
I think I am having difficulty instructing you.
When you don't put a leading /
the path is relative. In your case /root/data`.
Try this...
mkdir /tmp
sudo chown root -R /tmp
Then use /tmp/persistence.json
as the file name in that node. Remember to include the leading /
To finish this conversation...
I am convinced you should remove node-red and reinstall it using the official script. I believe that is the (partly) the cause for your troubles.
/tmp/persistence.json : ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/tmp/persistence.json '
tmp/persistence.json : ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'tmp/persistence.json '
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1 Jun 25 00:41 persistence.json
that's pretty big nonsense. to want a system to be developed and the users not to be able to use it even with knowledge above the average because the people in this forum have knowledge above the average!
Too bad
Why don't you use the official install script as a test?
You're kidding me!
Steve. Diet-pi do it differently. The official script doesn't work. (Or rather of messes it up, so we just say to use their own installer, which does install as root.. That is their choice.
give me a link
Yes dceejay! but peple not undersatand.
That makes sense (I did say earlier I was unfamiliar with dietpi).
But what I was sure of was it's a root install & that is part of the problem & the resulting permissions issues that he is now seeing.
Bolt on to that the op doesn't seem to understand the relevance of this or what relative paths are, made this a bit like the blind leading the blind.
I was kinda hoping the script does work. Hey ho.
@devifast I will have to leave you in the hands of someone with more experience of Linux & dietpi.
The problem with using dietpi and asking about problems here is that very few (if any) here use dietpi. I think you will either have to ask on a dietpi forum or change to a more common OS.
Yes of course, thanks.