Node-red-contrib-remote-io, digital output for joining bool to word

If you mean combining bits to make a WORD value - its just basic math functionality of the programming language.


//Get bit
function getBit(number, bitPosition) {
  return (number & (1 << bitPosition)) === 0 ? 0 : 1;

//Set Bit
function setBit(number, bitPosition) {
  return number | (1 << bitPosition);

//Clear Bit
function clearBit(number, bitPosition) {
  const mask = ~(1 << bitPosition);
  return number & mask;

//Update Bit
function updateBit(number, bitPosition, bitValue) {
  const bitValueNormalized = bitValue ? 1 : 0;
  const clearMask = ~(1 << bitPosition);
  return (number & clearMask) | (bitValueNormalized << bitPosition);

You could use the code from these to update a WORD value and set / reset bits...

var plcValue = msg.payload;

//Set Bit 12
plcValue = plcValue | (1 << 12);

//reset Bit 3
const mask = ~(1 << 3);
plcValue = plcValue & mask;

msg.payload = plcValue; //(return this for next node to send it back to the PLC

Hope that helps.