(It's 21:54 local time but before I sign off for today)
While I can keep the thoughts together here are some things about the recent attempts to install NR.
Again: I am only wanting to relay the problems as I saw/see them and the confusion resulting.
- I started using NR on a RPI. As it came pre-installed it was good.
- I went through the curve of using NPM installing nodes "manually" and not via NR.
The catch there is the command has to be run from within the .node-red directory, or the things get put in the wrong place.
- It was also made clear to me that when updating NR from the CLI (command line) that you also had to issue the commands from within the .node-red directory.
Again: This is fair enough, because you are doing things with/to/(what ever) in node-red.
Not exactly sure why the directory is "hidden" but I'll get to that later.
- After a while using NR, I got the command
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/raspbian-deb-package/master/resources/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
to update and make auto starting. It works! I did 8 RPIs with it.
So it was flagged as WORKING.
I'll be honest and say I don't know exactly how I did it on THIS machine. A x86 64 bit NUC.
Probably with the same command. (I'm getting to the hitch with the above mentioned command/s)
So: On Tuesday I got a new NUC (x86 celeron this time) machine.
I had to install Ubuntu and update it, and UPDATE it.
That seemed to go smoothly.
At that point in time there is/was no .node-red directory.
So, I diligently made it, changed into it and ran the script/commands.
It was not happy.
Errors came up on the screen something shocking and I could not get NR working to auto start.
When ever I entered node-red (or was it nodered - I can't remember) it spat out errors at me.
Missing files, bad dependencies RPI stuff and a lot of other stuff. WAY over my head.
(Keeping it brief)
I decided to start again.
Re-installed Ubuntu, updated and UPDATED it to 18.04.
Tried again to install NR.
Same errors.
Somewhere about here I posted the question.
I found all the extra stuff.
Downloaded those packages and went through the motions. From within the .node-red directory.
When complete:
There was ANOTHER directory there. This time it was:
node-red (NOT hidden.)
It took me about 40 minutes emptying all the sub directories - which were full of great stuff I had never seen before.
I put that down to the fact that now it is not needing/wanting to be in the .node-red directory.
Though why it is now node-red and not .node-red is not exactly clear.
I am a bit suspicious I have wasted time doing that and the stuff was good and could be used.
But when there were about 8 lines of RED errors and 4 YELLOW warnings, I was not confident things were good.
So, here is the confusion:
As originally working the "install command"
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/raspbian-deb-package/master/resources/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
needed to be run from the .node-red directory.
Is that still true?
Where does this new node-red directory come into things? Ok, that is the Version 19+ and I have only updated some machines and those were updated from within NR.
To help (?) people like me, would it be better/easier(?) - though now thinking about it there is a complication about path names - if the complete path is declared?
Ok, the complete path with OS, user name and stuff could be problematic:
Rather than installing from "here" (.), install from "home" (~), as it seems that this has changed.
I am kind of asking. See the question mark 5 lines above.
I don't want to go on further, as I think I have said all that needs to be said here and don't want to continue for the sake of continuing.