What is showing on the node-red log?
What are your flows doing
What version of NR and node are you on?
What OS are you running NR on?
What verson of the OS?
Is a raspberry pi so it's raspbian and all is the latest version as I just installed from scratch 2 weeks ago, the log is the one shown on my previous post.
You need to leave the node red log running (in a terminal run node-red-log and leave it open) till it restarts and show us what is in that log when it restarts.
What do you mean, you have re-editted settings.js?
I have edited settings to only log warnings and what I have is what I posted first, I can change it to "info" and will try to capture when that happens, is random once a day, so let's see...
Do you think is necessary? because all related to warning is already on the syslog I posted first
Well something killed node red. If it killed itself then there may be something in the log that indicates why. It might not be an error.
Have you looked in syslog at that time for any other reason that node red might have been killed such as out of memory for example?
I'm monitoring voltage in, ram memory, cpu load and SD disk free and I have really good numbers, this can't be, I'm not sure but this is latest raspbian, seems is making some kind of daily update or similar that restart the process... frankly I'm not completely sure.
I need to investigate to better understand, with previous raspbian versions with pre-installed node red versions this was not happening.
not at all, different time every day and seems to be only once, as per syslog I posted first on latest time I had this today I wonder if is some kind of system daily update or similar...
I have configured the log of node red to warning, should be ok like this or may I have to log more info to be able to better understand where the problem is coming from?
Do you mean the June 27, 2018 version of Stretch? I haven't seen any issues using Stretch lite.
When you say you are monitoring voltage in and have really good numbers...what do you define as really good numbers. and what is the amperage of the PSU? Most reboots are power issues.
voltage 5,20 stable, Amp were 0,0x, Ram over 70%, Disk free space over 9Gb,CPU lower than 15%,Temperature around 42ÂşC I think are really good. I have tried to change cable,power suppy & RPI and there is not a power issue.
You still haven't told us whether you see anything in syslog when node red restarts. I don't think it is re-booting for hardware reason as there would not be a node-red killed message, it would just stop.
On Syslog I have what I posted on my first email, next time will happen, most probably along today, I will capture it again and re-post.
Only question for me is I have configured to log only warnings on settings, do you think I need to log mmany more info to be more helpful or is enough?
So you did, sorry. It is obviously not re-booting or you would see that in syslog.
Let's see what it shows next time.
Have you reduced the logging on any other aspects of the system? If so it is possible that something significant is being missed there.
The issue was related to the daily updater that has now raspbian, I'm very surprised that nobody else has the issue, most probably you have not realized the restarts.
Note the issue could be anytime in my case I have several times node-red but latest one network was down until power cycle, I guess will depends on what is updated at he moment of the action.
The hour is random as system add a random timer for next update sesion.
Some text box or switch which still is not under variable backup to be restored is lost after restart, and from other side I'm monitoring this as some other parameters as well to ensure performance.