Node-Red Unable to load Community Catalogue

So today I have not been able to search or install new nodes from the Node-red pallete, Catalogue.

In the Browser Console it reports ' Error loading catalog

I am using Google Chrome or Edge neither of which will load the address, however a quick download of Firefox and .... behold that works.

I don't know enough about the background of how Chrome works, but I suppose it is something to do with 'Cors' from what I have read and perhaps there needs to be some update to make this work again.

Can you get any more information out of Chrome as to what error it's hitting?

If you can you see the request in the Network tab of the developer tools, what does it report when you click on it?

If you try browsing to that address does it work?

Browsing the address doesn't work, but I have now just discovered a fascinating issue.
If I use NordVPN, in any browser it works.

When I installed Firefox I inadvertently installed the NordVPN addon and it was on by default.

Now when I choose any VPN in any country it works, so this is something to with BT, or IP address who are my internet provider and somehow it is being blocked.

I will have to continue to investigate this, but first I will reboot the modem.

I just rebooted the modem and it still doesn't work.
I will have to take this up with BT in the morning. This will be an arduous task as nobody will understand and I fear it will go nowhere.

What device are you running Node-red on?

Are you using your ISP's DNS or some other DNS service?

If your router allows you to change the DNS server, does it work using (Cloudflare) or (Quad9)?

No BT users are forced to use their DNS, however I can change this on individual devices. I will load Node red into my windows pc, to start with

If it works on FF it is difficult to see how it is an IP provider problem.

Did you answer the question about what you see in the developer console network tab when you try to access that address?

Here is the browser Console messages.


I am not sure what is going on, there seems to be errors everywhere on my network all my Flightradar24 feed has dropped as well.

I am going to investigate and reboot all

@knolleary Is it normal that cache-busting is on the link?

I guess it's to force the editor to reload the content :man_facepalming:

Sorry, I don't know what you mean.

I have tried different DNS settings, but the result is the same. Everything was working well ntil a today. I have several rpi's, a server, 4 laptops, 3 pc's. It's all gone crazy. I don't think anything can be done from here

Do you mean that you have multiple machines that will not that address using Chrome but will using FF on the same machine?

If so, are you using any ad blockers or other extensions in the browsers? It would have to be the same ones in Edge and Chrome.

OK this is difficult because I have no idea what has happened here.
So I have a Node Red install on a PC and also a RPI. Both are on the same local network.
Both cannot access the node red catalogue file on any browser unless I use a VPN.

The issue with my flightradar feed has been resolved by rebooting the RPI that collects the data and that now works. All other devices connect and are working

Something very strange has occurred.

It appears that the only issue I have now is that I cannot access the Node Red Catalogue unless I am connected to VPN. This has only occurred in the past 24 hrs.

I am going to sleep on this and go through it step by step tomorrow, but thanks for everyone's help

What happens if you run these commands


Hi Colin,

It times out with 0 received lost 4
wget is not recognised as an internal or external command

So here is where I have got to .....

I tried loading the Node-red on my phone through google browser, quite a challenge, but I noticed it loaded.

I have just dug an old laptop out of the cupboard and connected to the WiFi, and it worked.
I tried with a LAN connection and it doesn't work and more peculiar it now won't work on the WiFi.

It seems that the only way i can get the catalogue to load is by using a VPN

Now I am confused

Copy/paste the output please. The details matter.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> ping

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>

I am going mad now or has someone done something to make this work?

Now it works perfectly!!!
On all machines connected to WiFi or LAN and my other Nodered install on my QNAP server now works as well.

Tell me somebody has fixed something.

I see the IP address was different, before it was []


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=57

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 9ms, Maximum = 10ms, Average = 9ms

There are probably several machines for load sharing. Both addresses work for me.
It does sound as if there was a problem in the routing somewhere between your router and github.

Maybe it was BT's fault because nothing has changed here and it affected two completely different installs of Nodered, but anyway it is working now. The Aircraft receiver was a red herring, which was sorted after the receiver rpi was rebooted.