I'm running node-red on linux (Ubuntu) and I haven't been able to figure out how to secure the editor. I've made the changes to the settings.js file according to this article Securing Node-RED : Node-RED , but it won't ask for the credentials once I open node red in my browser. I've tried different browsers (a suggestion on another post) and no luck.
make sure the it is the correct settings file. during startup you can see whcih settings file is being loaded. i had done similar mistake sometime back.
Since you mentioned " node-red-restart " I assume Node-RED was installed using the installer script.
The installer script setups Node-RED (typically) to NOT run as root (because that can be dangerous) but instead uses the account that installed it.
So just for one moment forget I said that and perform the actions I stated:
node-red-stop will stop the service. node-red-start will start the service using the account it was configured to use and you will see which user (and which settings file to edit) in the log output.
this assumes you did actually use the official installer script
This is a shared portion of a machine and I agree about it being a dangerous combination. Thankfully all we're running is an MQTT Broker and Node Red, which should keep all fires to a minimum.