i am creating a custom node that talks to a api i want to add some status to see what is happening but it wont work any help please
module.exports = function(RED) {
function CabinetAction(config) {
var node = this;
node.id = undefined;
this.area = RED.nodes.getNode(config.area);
this.ip = "";
this.poort = 0;
this.line1 = "";
this.line2 = "";
this.line3 = "";
this.line4 = "";
this.line5 = "";
this.line6 = "";
this.line7 = "";
this.line8 = "";
this.line9 = "";
this.entry = "";
this.badge = false;
this.question = "";
this.questionLenght = 0;
this.digits = 0;
this.decimals = 0;
this.choices = "";
this.out1 = 0;
this.out2 = 0;
this.out3 = 0;
this.out4 = 0;
this.out5 = 0;
this.out6 = 0;
this.out7 = 0;
this.out8 = 0;
this.out9 = 0;
this.out10 = 0;
this.out11 = 0;
this.out12 = 0;
this.out13 = 0;
this.out14 = 0;
this.out15 = 0;
this.out16 = 0;
this.clear = "No";
this.weight = "No";
node.on('input', function(msg, nodeSend, nodeDone) {
//start check message
thisabort = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Abort', 'msg', this, msg);
thiscallback = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('CallBack', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thiscallback != undefined && thiscallback != null)
if (node.area.areaid == thiscallback.AreaId){
if (node.id != undefined){
if (node.id == thiscallback._msgid){
node.id = undefined;
msg.payload = new Object;
msg.payload.Value = thiscallback.Value;
msg.payload.Type = thiscallback.Type;
delete msg.CallBack;
node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"{ Value: '"+thiscallback.Value+"', Type: '"+thiscallback.Type+"' }"});
else if (thisabort != undefined && thisabort != null && thisabort)
node.id = undefined;
node.id = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('_msgid', 'msg', this, msg);
node.status({fill:"yellow",shape:"dot",text:"Waiting for message"});
//end check message
RED.nodes.registerType("Cabinet Action",CabinetAction);
function prepare(msg,node,config,RED){
node.ip = config.ip;
if (config.ipType === 'msg' || config.ipType === 'flow' || config.ipType === 'global') {
node.ip = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.ip, config.ipType, this, msg);
node.poort = config.poort;
if (config.poortType === 'msg' || config.poortType === 'flow' || config.poortType === 'global') {
node.poort = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.poort, config.poortType, this, msg);
if (config.line1Type === 'msg' || config.line1Type === 'flow' || config.line1Type === 'global') {
node.line1 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line1, config.line1Type, this, msg);
node.line1 = config.line1;
if (config.line2Type === 'msg' || config.line2Type === 'flow' || config.line2Type === 'global') {
node.line2 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line2, config.line2Type, this, msg);
node.line2 = config.line2;
if (config.line3Type === 'msg' || config.line3Type === 'flow' || config.line3Type === 'global') {
node.line3 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line3, config.line3Type, this, msg);
node.line3 = config.line3;
if (config.line4Type === 'msg' || config.line4Type === 'flow' || config.line4Type === 'global') {
node.line4 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line4, config.line4Type, this, msg);
node.line4 = config.line4;
if (config.line5Type === 'msg' || config.line5Type === 'flow' || config.line5Type === 'global') {
node.line5 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line5, config.line5Type, this, msg);
node.line5 = config.line5;
if (config.line6Type === 'msg' || config.line6Type === 'flow' || config.line6Type === 'global') {
node.line6 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line6, config.line6Type, this, msg);
node.line6 = config.line6;
if (config.line7Type === 'msg' || config.line7Type === 'flow' || config.line7Type === 'global') {
node.line7 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line7, config.line7Type, this, msg);
node.line7 = config.line7;
if (config.line8Type === 'msg' || config.line8Type === 'flow' || config.line8Type === 'global') {
node.line8 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line8, config.line8Type, this, msg);
node.line8 = config.line8;
if (config.line9Type === 'msg' || config.line9Type === 'flow' || config.line9Type === 'global') {
node.line9 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.line9, config.line9Type, this, msg);
node.line9 = config.line9;
// msg.Line1 = node.line1;
// msg.Line2 = node.line2;
// msg.Line3 = node.line3;
// msg.Line4 = node.line4;
// msg.Line5 = node.line5;
// msg.Line6 = node.line6;
// msg.Line7 = node.line7;
// msg.Line8 = node.line8;
// msg.Line9 = node.line9;
thisentry = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Entry', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisentry != undefined && thisentry != null)
node.entry = thisentry
node.entry = config.input
thisbadge = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Badge', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisbadge != undefined && thisbadge != null)
node.badge = thisbadge
node.badge = config.badge
//msg.Entry = node.entry;
if (node.entry == 'AlphaNumeric')
if (config.alphaNumericQuestionType === 'msg' || config.alphaNumericQuestionType === 'flow' || config.alphaNumericQuestionType === 'global') {
node.question = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.alphaNumericQuestion, config.alphaNumericQuestionType, this, msg);
node.question = config.alphaNumericQuestion;
if (config.alphaNumericLenght === 'msg' || config.alphaNumericLenght === 'flow' || config.alphaNumericLenght === 'global') {
node.question = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.alphaNumericLenght, config.alphaNumericLenghtType, this, msg);
node.questionLenght = config.alphaNumericLenght;
//msg.Question = node.question;
//msg.QuestionLenght = node.questionLenght;
if (node.entry == 'Numeric')
if (config.numericQuestionType === 'msg' || config.numericQuestionType === 'flow' || config.numericQuestionType === 'global') {
node.question = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.numericQuestion, config.numericQuestionType, this, msg);
node.question = config.numericQuestion;
if (config.numericDigitsType === 'msg' || config.numericDigitsType === 'flow' || config.numericDigitsType === 'global') {
node.digits = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.numericDigits, config.numericDigitsType, this, msg);
node.digits = config.numericDigits;
if (config.numericDecimalsType === 'msg' || config.numericDecimalsType === 'flow' || config.numericDecimalsType === 'global') {
node.decimals = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.numericDecimals, config.numericDecimalsType, this, msg);
node.decimals = config.numericDecimals;
//msg.Question = node.question;
//msg.Digits = node.digits;
//msg.Decimals = node.decimals;
if (node.entry == 'Choice')
if (config.choicesType === 'msg' || config.choicesType === 'flow' || config.choicesType === 'global') {
node.choices = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty(config.choices, config.choicesType, this, msg);
node.choices = config.choices;
//msg.Choices = node.choices;
thisout1 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out1', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout1 != undefined && thisout1 != null)
node.out1 = thisout1
node.out1 = config.out1
thisout2 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out2', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout2 != undefined && thisout2 != null)
node.out2 = thisout2
node.out2 = config.out2
thisout3 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out3', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout3 != undefined && thisout3 != null)
node.out3 = thisout3
node.out3 = config.out3
thisout4 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out4', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout4 != undefined && thisout4 != null)
node.out4 = thisout4
node.out4 = config.out4
thisout5 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out5', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout5 != undefined && thisout5 != null)
node.out5 = thisout5
node.out5 = config.out5
thisout6 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out6', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout6 != undefined && thisout6 != null)
node.out6 = thisout6
node.out6 = config.out6
thisout7 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out7', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout7 != undefined && thisout7 != null)
node.out7 = thisout7
node.out7 = config.out7
thisout8 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out8', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout8 != undefined && thisout8 != null)
node.out8 = thisout8
node.out8 = config.out8
thisout9 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out9', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout9 != undefined && thisout9 != null)
node.out9 = thisout9
node.out9 = config.out9
thisout10 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out10', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout10 != undefined && thisout10 != null)
node.out10 = thisout10
node.out10 = config.out10
thisout11 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out11', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout11 != undefined && thisout11 != null)
node.out11 = thisout11
node.out11 = config.out11
thisout12 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out12', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout12 != undefined && thisout12 != null)
node.out12 = thisout12
node.out12 = config.out12
thisout13 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out13', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout13 != undefined && thisout13 != null)
node.out13 = thisout13
node.out13 = config.out13
thisout14 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out14', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout14 != undefined && thisout14 != null)
node.out14 = thisout14
node.out14 = config.out14
thisout15 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out15', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout15 != undefined && thisout15 != null)
node.out15 = thisout15
node.out15 = config.out15
thisout16 = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Out16', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisout16 != undefined && thisout16 != null)
node.out16 = thisout16
node.out16 = config.out16
thisclear = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Clear', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisclear != undefined && thisclear != null)
node.clear = thisclear
node.clear = config.clear
thisweight = RED.util.evaluateNodeProperty('Weight', 'msg', this, msg);
if (thisweight != undefined && thisweight != null)
node.weight = thisweight
node.weight = config.weight
if (node.ip !== "") {
fetch("http://"+node.ip+":"+node.poort+"/FlowDevice/SetCabinet", {
method: "PUT",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
msg.succes = false;
msg.payload = response.statusText;
return response.json();
.then(data => {
msg.payload = new Object;
msg.payload.status = data;
if (data)
msg.succes = true;
msg.payload.statusText = "Action accepted";
msg.succes = false;
msg.payload.statusText = "Action not accepted";
.catch(error => {
msg.succes = false;
msg.payload = error;