Hey.. I have my Node-Red setup on a VPS by Digital Ocean.
I can access it via http:// IP:1880
I am logging in via admin and password, that i have already generated.
I bought a domain a few days back. (Eg. example. com)
I now want to link a subdomain to the NodeRed installation. So i created a subdomain nodered. example. com and linked it to http:// IP:1880 via Reverse Proxy using Apache. I installed SSL certificates by Lets encrypt.
I now can successfully access the NodeRed dashboard securely using https:// nodered. example. com
Trouble is that after logging in, I get a error saying Lost connection to Server, reconnecting.
I can still access Nodered without any issues via http:// IP:1880, but not via the Domain name.
Is there some other setup for https to be done for NodeRed?
Any help would be highly appreciated!
While using NodeRed at https:// nodered.example. com URL using Apache Reverse proxy, on Inspecting the page, the following websocket error is obtained.
WebSocket connection to 'wss://nodered.example. com/comms' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
Does using https always defaults to using wss i.e. secure websockets. Is there any way in which i can still use ws:// ?
Have been cracking my head over this for quite a few days now.. Not getting any significant help on enabling websockets over Apache reverse proxy..
Btw, i have not done any changes in the settings.js file to use https, i am still using http itself.