Nice i wanted to install
A Node-RED widget node to show interactive SVG (vector graphics) in the dashboard
But it got the error see below.
I run node red on a raspberry. I thin it has a fixed IP...
Before some time it worked.
But now the npm makes trouble
2020-10-05T19:57:17.272Z installieren : node-red-contrib-ui-svg 2.0.3
2020-10-05T19:57:29.429Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production node-red-contrib-ui-svg@2.0.3
2020-10-05T19:57:45.460Z [err] npm
2020-10-05T19:57:45.462Z [err]
2020-10-05T19:57:45.462Z [err] ERR! code ENETUNREACH
2020-10-05T19:57:45.464Z [err] npm
2020-10-05T19:57:45.465Z [err] ERR!
2020-10-05T19:57:45.465Z [err] errno ENETUNREACH
2020-10-05T19:57:45.494Z [err] npm
2020-10-05T19:57:45.495Z [err] ERR!
2020-10-05T19:57:45.495Z [err] request to failed, reason: connect ENETUNREACH - Local (
2020-10-05T19:57:45.529Z [err]
2020-10-05T19:57:45.530Z [err] npm ERR!
2020-10-05T19:57:45.530Z [err] A complete log of this run can be found in:
2020-10-05T19:57:45.530Z [err] npm ERR!
2020-10-05T19:57:45.530Z [err] /home/pi/.npm/_logs/2020-10-05T19_57_45_502Z-debug.log
2020-10-05T19:57:45.566Z rc=
Here is the npm config?
npm config list --json
"json": true,
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"cache": "/home/pi/.npm",
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"color": true,
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"description": true,
"dev": false,
"dry-run": false,
"editor": "vi",
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"force": false,
"format-package-lock": true,
"fund": true,
"fetch-retries": 2,
"fetch-retry-factor": 10,
"fetch-retry-mintimeout": 10000,
"fetch-retry-maxtimeout": 60000,
"git": "git",
"git-tag-version": true,
"commit-hooks": true,
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"globalconfig": "/usr/etc/npmrc",
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"group": 1000,
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"init-module": "/home/pi/.npm-init.js",
"init-author-name": "",
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"init-version": "1.0.0",
"init-license": "ISC",
"key": null,
"legacy-bundling": false,
"link": false,
"loglevel": "notice",
"logs-max": 10,
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"message": "%s",
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"node-version": "10.15.2",
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"package-lock": true,
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"save-bundle": false,
"save-dev": false,
"save-exact": false,
"save-optional": false,
"save-prefix": "^",
"save-prod": false,
"script-shell": null,
"scripts-prepend-node-path": "warn-only",
"searchopts": "",
"searchexclude": null,
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"searchstaleness": 900,
"send-metrics": false,
"shell": "/bin/bash",
"shrinkwrap": true,
"sign-git-commit": false,
"sign-git-tag": false,
"sso-poll-frequency": 500,
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"globalignorefile": "/usr/etc/npmignore"
Has someone any idea?
Thank you