One-node-room-manager and thermostat

The One-Node-Room-Manger has 54 outputs.
This is all you need to know about your room.

All you must do, is connecting sensors and design your dashboards.

Included is a picture of my demo/test-Dashboard:

EGWZ = ground floor living room
aussen = external temperature
soll = target temperature
ist = room temperature
delta = ist – soll

Initialisation : at program start the target-temp and room-temp has the same value. This will not start the heater before the first asynchron room-temperature arrives from the sensor.

Hysteresis : I split the hysteresis in 2 numbers: hys_on and hys_off. This allows to have an asymmetrical switch point. I use this for my floor-heating, which reacts very slow. Therefore, my Hys_off is set to zero and switches off at room temperature to avoid big overshooting.

Total runtime of the heater is shown in the low right corner of the demo screen.

To add for example a luminance sensor to the One-Node-Room-Manager is relatively easy:

  • Copy a sensor object and change to luminance
  • Increase the outputs of the room manager node
  • Edit the output ports in the context
  • Add the output description to the room manager node
  • Copy and paste one existing sensor in the sensor code part and edit the outputs
  • Create your own dashboard

If you have more rooms I would suggest to have one flow per room.

To be done: persisting totalruntime

As the flow is to big to publish it as code, I have attached the flow in a text file.

one-node-room-manager.txt (82.1 KB)