OPC UA gerando aviso "warning: properties like messageType, namespace, variableName or VariableValue is missing."

Estou tentando fazer um projeto onde ao coletar um dado via modbus, esse dado seja fornecido em um sistema via OPCUA. Já consegui fazer a coleta do dado e fornecer via OPCUA, porém no nodered fica gerando o aviso: "warning: properties like messageType, namespace, variableName or VariableValue is missing." referente ao nó do OPCUA Server. Gostaria de saber como posso resolver isso?

Estou utilizando o node-red-contrib-opcua (0.2.295)

Perhaps it would be good to write question in English.
Here is my answer in Finnish: "Tietysti voin arvata että sanomasta puuttuu kenttä."

Perhaps suprisingly, most people in Brasil do not speak English.
They could use an automatic translation service, but then so can anyone trying to answer the question.
Unfortunately you can never be sure that Google has accurately translated :upside_down_face:

Monet brasilialaiset eivät puhu englantia
Joskus, jos seisot sillan pohjakaiteella ja kumarrut katsomaan joen liukumista hitaasti altasi, tiedät yhtäkkiä kaiken, mitä on tiedettävä.

I have cousin in Sao Paolo, but my answer is correct that I wrote in Finnish.

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