Open new Terminal window in NodeRed

I'm continuing the topic in this post: Node Red open New terminal

I'm currently using Ubuntu 20.04
I want to open a terminal and run commands when nodered startup.
My flows:

My script:

DISPLAY=:0 gnome-terminal --window -- /bin/sh -ec "./; exec bash"

The error I'm having:

Error constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Could not connect: Connection refused

Welcome to the forum @namph-sgn

Does the command work if you run it in a terminal not in node red?

If it does not run in a terminal then Google the error message. If it does run in a terminal then how did you install node red?

Hello @Colin,
Thanks for asking.
The command works when I run it in a terminal. It open a new terminal windows and ran the commands without any errors.
I install NodeRed from the install script found in Running on Raspberry Pi : Node-RED.

Sorry, I don't know the answer in that case.

@Colin So after digging a little deeper, I came across this askubuntu thread: Problem with "gnome-terminal" on Gnome 3.12.2 - Ask Ubuntu

I modified the script to:

DISPLAY=:0 dbus-launch gnome-terminal --window -- /bin/sh -ec "./; exec bash"

Now it runs normally.
I'm gonna close the thread.

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