Out of memory crash on Windows 10 PC

I took the site down for about 15 minutes and tested a lot of different --userDir options from the docs and none of them gave me my flows. I got blank flows and 'Welcome to Node-RED 2.0' intro splash screens, but nothing with my flows.
Would like to figure out how to start Node-RED with my flows and --max-old-space-size=81928

I next tried the new node-red-node-mysql@next and had the same insert issues as last time I tried to use a different version of the MySQL node.

Learning from that last attempt, I had a full .node-red back up so just copied all the nodes back over and I am back up and running for the next 24 hour crash cycle.

Next job is to put the GC script into a function block and graph it to see whats going on.

Grateful for all the help, not a chance I would digging into this with out the support.