Package vulnerabilities

That would be nice. Also, I know that there is a move to reduce the number of "core" nodes which would also be nice as it would simplify maintenance and potentially lower resource usage.

As I've said in previous threads, as of 0.19.4, if you manually install one of those nodes in .node-red it will get loaded in preference to the gloablly installed one. Once installed there, the palette manager will be able to apply any future updates.

I've also said in 0.20 we've removed the 'local' check from the palette manager, so it can update anything you have installed without you having to do any manual step.


Just checking that that means we will be able to update globally installed nodes, such as node-red-node-email, via the palette. If so then that is good.

Yes that is the plan.

Hey Paul.

I have that many only to help me get used to networking on remote machines.

Ultimately I think there will be two or three, and a few arduinos doing the real world I/O.

Most of the time they are turned off. I turn them on now and then to stay up to date with their functions.

Though I could swap the SD cards, it is "Murphy's Law" that I will need more than one available at any time. Since they are not $1000 each (like the nominal cost of computers when I was younger) I got a few to do certain/specific tasks.

Then rather than swap the SD card to do a new function, I just got a new RPI.

One if for NTP, one is for Music (juke box, not quite a media centre.)
Another is for home control, and so on.

So I like to log into them now and then to keep myself fresh with using the applications I put on them.

I use NR to group them altogether and I can update, upgrade reboot, and turn them off all from one machine.

But thanks..... I do try to keep my footprint as low as possible.

The other reason I don't have too much on one machine is to have a better .... (what's the term?..... reducing the impact of a single point of failure.) So if ONE machine dies, I am not completely "dead in the water". There are other machines which are still working/usable to keep things going.


With so many, you might consider installing something like "Webmin" on each that allows remote admin of a LINUX device. One of the best parts of webmin is the ability to automatically have it update all of your apt installed packages. A great way to keep the devices up-to-date with the basic software. Doesn't update Node-RED or any nodes but does everything else. Including Node.JS if you've installed it as an apt package (see the Node.JS website).

Thanks TotallyInformation.

I'm not sure though if I REALLY need it all.

It was just I had a few other RPI's and I was getting into NR. Then onto the Dashboard and buttons. Then onto remote commands.

The whole thing was/is just me playing with NR to do things and get a feel for it.

If I really want to do that is unsure at this time.

But I'll keep it in mind.