Possible to reload only a part of Values in ui-template?

I am using ui-template to generate a grid of items with ng-repeat. Each item contains the same leds/text fields etc. to display values of the unit they represent. This values has to be updated like every 2 seconds. But there ist a input field with a send Button too. My Problem is that the text typed by the user disappears before it is complete so the user send it away with send button.

So is it possible to "catch" the arriving input msg and stop refreshing the page while the user is typing, or one step more, that after the first load of the template only specified fields are updated but no text input field?

I hope there is some solution, and i am very glad for an answer.
Here is the code used in ui-template.

<div class="kachel-grid">
        <div ng-repeat="payload in msg.payload" class="kachel-item">
            <table class="KachelTabelle">
                <tr class="KachelRowTitle">
                    <td colspan="3">
                        <p class="KachelTitel" >{{payload.Name}} - {{payload.Bezeichnung}}</p>
                    <td colspan="2">
                        <p class="KachelTextWerteText">Ist - Temperatur [ C]</p>
                    <td class="KachelTableWerteSpalte" style="width: 58px">
                    <td colspan="2">
                        <p class="KachelTextWerteText">Soll - Temperatur [ C]</p>
                    <td class="KachelTableWerteSpalte" style="width: 58px">
                    <td colspan="2">
                        <md-input-container class="md-block md-auto-horizontal-margin flex has-label" flex="" md-is-error="false" style="height: 40px; margin: 0px;">
                            <label>Isolationsnummer / Kommentar</label>
                            <input ng-model="payload.Kommentar" aria-label="Note" type="text">
                    <td style="text-align: center">
                        <md-button class="KachelButtonSend" ng-click="send({comment: {text: payload.Note}})"><i class="fa fa-send fa-fw fa-lg"></i></md-button>

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