hi, I have to calculate the perceived temperature in a home, up to now I have used temperature and humidity (from Knx) to calculate it and the node function has always worked correctly. I would also like to insert the external temperature to improve the calculation but I can't add the variable that comes from openweathermap, is there anyone who can help me. this is the code.
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"notifyreadrequestalsorespondtobus": true,
"notifyreadrequestalsorespondtobusdefaultvalueifnotinitialized": "0",
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"name": "Soggiorno Temperatura",
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"formatdecimalsvalue": "1",
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"topic": "1/2/5",
"outputtopic": "hum",
"dpt": "5.001",
"initialread": "1",
"notifyreadrequest": false,
"notifyresponse": true,
"notifywrite": true,
"notifyreadrequestalsorespondtobus": true,
"notifyreadrequestalsorespondtobusdefaultvalueifnotinitialized": "0",
"listenallga": false,
"name": "Umidità Soggiorno",
"outputtype": "write",
"outputRBE": true,
"inputRBE": false,
"formatmultiplyvalue": 1,
"formatnegativevalue": "leave",
"formatdecimalsvalue": "1",
"passthrough": "yes",
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"joiner": "\\n",
"joinerType": "str",
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"reduceInitType": "",
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"pt": "msg",
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"id": "11eff6c70d4428b1",
"type": "change",
"z": "fc02e74f6dca80d1",
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"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "temp",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "temp",
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"action": "",
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"type": "change",
"z": "fc02e74f6dca80d1",
"name": "",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "hum",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "hum",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
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"id": "05f7bc481b3f5606",
"type": "function",
"z": "fc02e74f6dca80d1",
"name": "Calcolo Ciclo Circadiano",
"func": "// Estrai le letture di temperatura e umidità dal payload\nconst temp = msg.temp;\nconst tempc = msg.tempc;\nconst hum = msg.hum;\n\n// Verifica se siamo in estate (mesi da maggio ad agosto)\nconst isSummer = (new Date().getMonth() >= 5 && new Date().getMonth() <= 8);\n\n// Calcola l'ora corrente\nconst currentHour = new Date().getHours();\n\n// Calcola la variazione oraria in base alla temperatura circadiana\nconst hourlyCorrection = calculateHourlyCorrection(currentHour);\n\n// Applica la variazione oraria alla temperatura interna\nconst adjustedTemp = temp + hourlyCorrection;\n\n// Calcola la temperatura percepita considerando la temperatura esterna\nconst feelsLikeTemperature = calculateFeelsLikeTemperature(adjustedTemp, tempc, hum);\n\n// Restituisci il messaggio modificato\nmsg.payload = feelsLikeTemperature;\nreturn msg;\n\n// Funzione per calcolare la temperatura percepita considerando la temperatura esterna\nfunction calculateFeelsLikeTemperature(temp, tempc, hum) {\n const index = isSummer\n ? calculateSummerDiscomfortIndex(temp, hum)\n : calculateWinterDiscomfortIndex(temp, hum);\n\n // Considera la differenza tra la temperatura interna e la temperatura esterna\n const temperatureDifference = temp - tempc;\n\n // Applica una correzione basata sulla differenza di temperatura interna ed esterna\n const correctedIndex = index + 0.1 * temperatureDifference;\n\n return correctedIndex;\n}\n\n// Funzione per calcolare l'indice di disagio termico in estate\nfunction calculateSummerDiscomfortIndex(temp, hum) {\n return -2.653 + 0.994 * temp + 0.0153 * hum - 0.00878 * temp * hum +\n 0.000817 * Math.pow(temp, 2) + 0.000133 * Math.pow(hum, 2) -\n 0.000344 * Math.pow(temp, 2) * hum + 0.00000714 * Math.pow(temp, 2) * Math.pow(hum, 2) -\n 0.000000127 * Math.pow(temp, 2) * Math.pow(hum, 3);\n}\n\n// Funzione per calcolare l'indice di disagio termico in inverno\nfunction calculateWinterDiscomfortIndex(temp, hum) {\n return 13.12 + 0.6215 * temp - 11.37 * Math.pow(hum, 0.16) + 0.3965 * temp * Math.pow(hum, 0.16);\n}\n\n// Funzione per calcolare la variazione oraria in base alla temperatura circadiana\nfunction calculateHourlyCorrection(hour) {\n // Variazione massima di 0.5 gradi sia in negativo che in positivo\n const amplitude = 0.5;\n const period = 24;\n const offset = 6;\n\n const correction = amplitude * Math.sin(((hour - offset) / period) * (2 * Math.PI));\n\n return correction;\n}",
"outputs": 1,
"timeout": "",
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 930,
"y": 220,
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"type": "comment",
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"type": "knxUltimate-config",
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"hostProtocol": "TunnelUDP",
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"csv": "",
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"stopETSImportIfNoDatapoint": "stop",
"loglevel": "error",
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"delaybetweentelegramsfurtherdelayREAD": "1",
"ignoreTelegramsWithRepeatedFlag": false,
"keyringFileXML": "",
"knxSecureSelected": false,
"autoReconnect": "yes"
admin edit: surrounded code with triple back ticks to make code useable