It looks like you have changed the ownership of settings.js from louis to root as recommended at the end of the install process.
To edit it you now need to use sudo. sudo nano ~/.node-red/settings.js
What Raspberry Pi model do you have?
What operating system is installed on the Pi - the lite version or full desktop?
Unfortunately I don't have any sound devices on my Pi so I don't have mpg123 installed.
I might try and find another Pi which has a headphone jack and give it a try with Node-red on that...
Run this command: `cat /etc/debian_version' and copy the results and paste to to a reply (no screen shots)
Run this command: cat /etc/os-release and copy the results and paste to to a reply (no screen shots)
Stop Node-RED node-red-stop and then start Node-RED node-red and copy the output and paste it to a reply (no screen shots)
Run the command apt list --installed mpg123 and copy the output and paste it to a reply (no screen shots)
Run the command cat /proc/device-tree/model and copy the output and paste it to a reply (no screen shots)
Hint: When taking a screen shot, please change the color scheme to black text on a white background. Blue text on a black background is very difficult to read