Pros and Cons about using "custom" Functions vs the basic set of nodes

BTW it may be intersting to see which nodes are most used.

I guess inject, debug, change, function

Here is a small contrib-node for the statistic: node-red-contrib-flow-statistics

My smart home on a RPi flow.json size 571KB

	"Total": 1205,
	"catch": 9,
	"change": 92,
	"comment": 61,
	"debug": 85,
	"delay": 13,
	"dropbox out": 1,
	"dropbox-config": 1,
	"dsm": 38,
	"e-mail": 1,
	"e-mail in": 1,
	"exec": 4,
	"file": 2,
	"flow-statistics": 1,
	"function": 60,
	"http in": 2,
	"http request": 5,
	"http response": 2,
	"hue-bridge": 1,
	"hue-light": 6,
	"inject": 198,
	"join": 1,
	"json": 27,
	"link in": 83,
	"link out": 74,
	"mqtt in": 36,
	"mqtt out": 44,
	"mqtt-broker": 1,
	"netatmo-config-node": 1,
	"netatmo-dashboard": 1,
	"persist in": 19,
	"persist out": 19,
	"persist-store": 2,
	"ping": 6,
	"profile": 9,
	"pushover": 2,
	"ramp-thermostat": 9,
	"rbe": 6,
	"rpi-ds18b20": 1,
	"schedex": 9,
	"status": 2,
	"subflow": 5,
	"subflow:12064036.6833f": 51,
	"subflow:b33c0f5.cd2e4f": 8,
	"subflow:b5804ad5.22a2d8": 14,
	"subflow:c72ea31a.28c6e": 4,
	"subflow:cd88b0fe.f7772": 8,
	"switch": 46,
	"tab": 11,
	"template": 37,
	"time-range-switch": 1,
	"trigger": 10,
	"ui_base": 1,
	"ui_chart": 18,
	"ui_gauge": 1,
	"ui_group": 14,
	"ui_slider": 3,
	"ui_switch": 11,
	"ui_tab": 7,
	"ui_template": 1,
	"ui_text": 23,
	"ui_text_input": 4,
	"zwave-controller": 1,
	"zwave-in": 1,
	"zwave-out": 1