Protect dashboard from accidental changes while touch scrolling

I find I'm accidentally changing the values on 1x8 slider widgets while trying to scroll on a touch screen. I'm already trying to avoid touching the slider while scrolling but even then the slider will change. Anyone else deal with this?

I disable scrolling and force the use of the menu.
On another system I avoid the use of sliders and use drop downs with a range of various values instead. For example, for room temperature control I have a drop-down with temperature in 0.5 degree increments plus a low value for a room not in use setting.

Good suggestion but I'm finding the Dropdown doesn't display the input msg.payload like the Slider does. I have the Dropdown's options set as numbers (0-23, inc 1) and tried making sure msg.payload is an integer. The Dropdown node shows the input msg.payload but on the dashboard it doesn't. Some nodes like the Switch node have the option of displaying it's input or output but not the Dropdown. The Slider node doesn't have that option but it displays both input & output values.

It appears that I have to select the option "If msg arrives on input, pass through to output" for the Dropdown to display any input msg.payload but in my situation that creates a feedback loop.

That shouldn't be necessary. Can you share a test flow with a dropdown and some inject nodes that shows the problem?
Are you using the latest version of node-red-dashboard?


After creating this test flow, and confirming that it demonstrated my issue, I updated all my nodes and now it appears to function as I expected. I'm now using node-red-dashboard 2.28.2

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