Pull request discussion - node-red-node-suncalc (send msg at startup)

Hi folks,

I would like to create a pull request to add a new feature to the node-red-node-suncalc node, but the contribution guidelines mention to discuss all new PR's in this forum.

I added last night the suncalc node to my flow, to know sunset and sunrise. That works fine. But when I restart Node-RED, I also need to know whether it is day or night. And I would like to avoid that my flow needs to store that info, because I like to keep my flows as simple as possible. And I also want to avoid reading the first output of the node (where an output msg is being send periodically), to avoid doing lots of unnecessary processing.

So I added this checkbox to the config screen:


Now it sends the output msg also on the second output when my flow is started.

Hopefully it is ok to create my pull request.


If you really canā€™t wait the minute for that first output then yes :slight_smile:

Hey Dave,
You seem to be aware of my impatient nature :yum:

But I don't want to listen to the messages on the first output every minute, and check in my flow if the value has changed. The second output is great for me: I get 2 messages per day, one at sunset and one sunrise. As a result I have a simple flow, and I only get the required messages (when the value changes between day and night).

I just want an extra message in between, when my Node-RED is restarted. Just to know if it is day or night at that moment.

Not a problem. Though a filter node would have a similar effect. Go for it.

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Here it is:

Thanks Bart, merged and published as version 1.2.0

Hi Dave,
Thanks for the quick review and publishing!
The new version is now running in my flow...