Thanks for the answers.......
@Julian, I don't think my current skill level allows me to create an API wrapper. I am not familiar with Python, reading through a Python script to understand its logic isn't so much of a problem writing one from scratch is.
@Stephen, I am not sure using mqtt would solve my problem.
All I am after is the little bit of Python code to read the contents of a Node Red msg.payload (Numeric values for red, green and blue for example) into Python variables. And to form a msg.payload from Python variables to send on to the next node.
Below is my current flow which from a hardware perspective works, when I turn the encoder its LED changes colour. I would like to set its initial colour from a previous node msg and output the encoder status to the next node.
Kind regards,
[{"id":"c4190447.a2b178","type":"inject","z":"b3342e39.b521f","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":200,"y":540,"wires":[["2ebf1281.991cce"]]},{"id":"2ebf1281.991cce","type":"python3-function","z":"b3342e39.b521f","name":"","func":"import time\nimport colorsys\nimport ioexpander as io\n\n\nPIN_RED = 1\nPIN_GREEN = 7\nPIN_BLUE = 2\n\nPOT_ENC_A = 12\nPOT_ENC_B = 3\nPOT_ENC_C = 11\n\nBRIGHTNESS = 0.5 # Effectively the maximum fraction of the period that the LED will be on\nPERIOD = int(255 / BRIGHTNESS) # Add a period large enough to get 0-255 steps at the desired brightness\n\nioe = io.IOE(i2c_addr=0x0F, interrupt_pin=4)\n\nioe.enable_interrupt_out(pin_swap=True)\n\nioe.setup_rotary_encoder(1, POT_ENC_A, POT_ENC_B, pin_c=POT_ENC_C)\n\nioe.set_pwm_period(PERIOD)\nioe.set_pwm_control(divider=2) # PWM as fast as we can to avoid LED flicker\n\nioe.set_mode(PIN_RED, io.PWM, invert=True)\nioe.set_mode(PIN_GREEN, io.PWM, invert=True)\nioe.set_mode(PIN_BLUE, io.PWM, invert=True)\n\n#print(\"Running LED with {} brightness steps.\".format(int(PERIOD * BRIGHTNESS)))\n\ncount = 0\nr, g, b, = 0, 0, 0\n\nwhile True:\n if ioe.get_interrupt():\n count = ioe.read_rotary_encoder(1)\n ioe.clear_interrupt()\n\n h = (count % 360) / 360.0\n r, g, b = [int(c * PERIOD * BRIGHTNESS) for c in colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, 1.0, 1.0)]\n ioe.output(PIN_RED, r)\n ioe.output(PIN_GREEN, g)\n ioe.output(PIN_BLUE, b)\n\n# print(count, r, g, b)\n\n time.sleep(1.0 / 30)","outputs":1,"x":390,"y":540,"wires":[[]]}]