Hello Community,
I admit I give up. I searched almost 2h or more the forum and internet and I couldn't find answers.
I am with Node-RED for almost a week. And also not more than 2h/day with at least half of that time watching videos about flows and Node-RED stuff. So I am a complete rookie here. So:
Using Node-RED version: v3.1.3, Node.js version: v18.19.0
I enabled context storage in settings.js
contextStorage: {
default: {
I noticed that all my variables are saved. The issue is that I don't want to save 4 of them. All *Status variables I don't want to be saved. How can I achieve that? Nodes used: node-red, node-red-contrib-bme280, node-red-dashboard, node-red-node-pi-gpio.
Here is my flow:
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"name": "Temperature ctrl Heat",
"func": "flow.set(\"BME280Temp\", msg.payload.temperature_C);\nvar heat_sts = flow.get(\"HeaterStatus\");\nvar HtrThrOn = flow.get(\"HeaterThrOn\");\nvar HtrThrOff = flow.get(\"HeaterThrOff\");\nvar tempmeas = parseFloat(msg.payload.temperature_C).toFixed(1); // msg.payload.temperature_C;\n\nif (tempmeas >= HtrThrOff) {\n heat_sts = \"OFF\";\n}\nif (tempmeas <= HtrThrOn) {\n heat_sts = \"ON\";\n}\nflow.set(\"HeaterStatus\", heat_sts);\n",
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"func": "flow.set(\"BME280Humidity\", msg.payload.humidity);\nvar hum_sts = flow.get(\"HumStatus\");\nvar HThrOn = flow.get(\"HumThrOn\");\nvar HThrOff = flow.get(\"HumThrOff\");\nvar hummeas = parseFloat(msg.payload.humidity).toFixed(1); // msg.payload.temperature_C;\n\nif (hummeas >= HThrOff) {\n hum_sts = \"OFF\";\n}\nif (hummeas <= HThrOn) {\n hum_sts = \"ON\";\n}\nflow.set(\"HumStatus\", hum_sts);\n",
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"name": "TemperatureDisplay",
"func": "var TempMeas = flow.get(\"BME280Temp\");\n// var TempThrOff = global.get(\"TempThresholdOff\");\nmsg.topic = 'Temperature'\nmsg.payload = parseFloat(TempMeas).toFixed(1);\nreturn msg;",
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"name": "compressor status",
"func": "\nvar CS = flow.get(\"CompressorStatus\");\nif(CS === \"ON\") {\n msg.topic = \"ON\";\n msg.payload = 1;\n} else {\n msg.topic = \"OFF\";\n msg.payload = 0;\n}\n// node.warn(\"CS = \" + CS);\nreturn msg;",
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"freq": "",
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"name": "Heater status",
"func": "\nvar HS = flow.get(\"HeaterStatus\");\nif(HS === \"ON\") {\n msg.topic = \"ON\";\n msg.payload = 1;\n} else {\n msg.topic = \"OFF\";\n msg.payload = 0;\n}\nreturn msg;",
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"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
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"y": 520,
"wires": [
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"set": true,
"level": "0",
"freq": "",
"out": "out",
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"name": "Heater threshold On",
"func": "flow.set(\"HeaterThrOn\", msg.payload);\n",
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"id": "febf4d206e063e1f",
"type": "function",
"z": "ba1766ac927b6d8a",
"name": "Temperature ctrl Cool",
"func": "var compressor_sts = flow.get(\"CompressorStatus\");\nvar TempThrOff = flow.get(\"TempThresholdOff\");\nvar TempThrOn = flow.get(\"TempThresholdOn\");\nvar tempmeas = parseFloat(msg.payload.temperature_C).toFixed(1); // msg.payload.temperature_C;\n\nif (tempmeas >= TempThrOn) {\n compressor_sts = \"ON\";\n}\nif (tempmeas <= TempThrOff) {\n compressor_sts = \"OFF\";\n}\nflow.set(\"CompressorStatus\", compressor_sts);\n",
"outputs": 0,
"timeout": 0,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "// Code added here will be run once\n// whenever the node is started.\ncontext.set(\"prev_state\", \"0\");\ncontext.set(\"state\", \"0\");",
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"z": "ba1766ac927b6d8a",
"name": "Heater threshold Off",
"func": "flow.set(\"HeaterThrOff\", msg.payload);\n",
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"y": 40,
"wires": []
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"type": "function",
"z": "ba1766ac927b6d8a",
"name": "Humidity ctrl Dehumidifier",
"func": "var dehum_sts = flow.get(\"DehumStatus\");\nvar DehumThrOn = flow.get(\"DehumThrOn\");\nvar DehumThrOff = flow.get(\"DehumThrOff\");\nvar hummeas = parseFloat(msg.payload.humidity).toFixed(1); // msg.payload.temperature_C;\n\nif (hummeas <= DehumThrOff) {\n dehum_sts = \"OFF\";\n}\nif (hummeas >= DehumThrOn) {\n dehum_sts = \"ON\";\n}\nflow.set(\"DehumStatus\", dehum_sts);\n",
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"timeout": 0,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
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"z": "ba1766ac927b6d8a",
"name": "Dehum Thr ON",
"func": "flow.set(\"DehumThrOn\", msg.payload);\n",
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"timeout": 0,
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"finalize": "",
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"name": "Dehum Thr OFF",
"func": "flow.set(\"DehumThrOff\", msg.payload);\n",
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"name": "HumidityDisplay",
"func": "var HumMeas = flow.get(\"BME280Humidity\");\nmsg.topic = 'Humidity'\nmsg.payload = parseFloat(HumMeas).toFixed(1);\nreturn msg;",
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"func": "\nvar DHS = flow.get(\"DehumStatus\");\nif(DHS === \"ON\") {\n msg.topic = \"ON\";\n msg.payload = 1;\n} else {\n msg.topic = \"OFF\";\n msg.payload = 0;\n}\nreturn msg;",
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"name": "Humidifier status",
"func": "\nvar HS = flow.get(\"HumStatus\");\nif(HS === \"ON\") {\n msg.topic = \"ON\";\n msg.payload = 1;\n} else {\n msg.topic = \"OFF\";\n msg.payload = 0;\n}\nreturn msg;",
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