Raspberry pi arduino connection speed problem


I am trying to read a potentiometer data over firmata with node-red. potentiometer connects to analog pin of arduino and arduino is connect to raspberry pi over usb.

Program runs good and i can get the data from arduino but connection lost very often. Connection establish after 1 second but it cuts off so often.

What can i do to correct this?

The transfer rate is so high and i don't need a speed like this. Can i decrease the connection speed? Do i adjust the firmata for connection speed?


Hi there I've not tried your setup but I would say yes, drop the speed, you're not sending a lot of data so slow it right down see if it's more stable.

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thanks alot, i have learned how to change baud rate at firmata


editing this will give me a lower baud rate,

but how can i change it in node-red site?

well what are you using in node-red to read the data? i.e. what node (full name please node-red-contrib-xxxx?)
have you looked at that node's options?

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the Firmata node expects the default firmata install on the Arduino so no you can't easily change the Node-RED end.

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