Read CPU-Load of Linux-Device where Node-Red is installed on

Hi all,

I have some performance issues to I would like to read the node-red server CPU load in Node-Red and show it somewhere in a Maintenance-Tab.
I am not a linux person, but I managed to get this line if I simply send a TOP via ssh:

Mem: 720120K used, 309960K free, 1880K shrd, 73440K buff, 303928K cached
CPU: 33% usr 11% sys 0% nic 52% idle 0% io 1% irq 0% sirq

Now I would like to extract the 33, the 11 and the 0%, sum it up and put it into a msg.payload to use it further.
Can this be done somehow in Node-Red ?


You could try using node-red-contrib-cpu or one of the other nodes

Are you aware of @ralphwetzel/node-red-systeminformation?
This node gives you access to all the data the package collects of your system ... e.g. a lot of stuff around the CPU.