Read XML and write to a SQL Database

Dear node red forum members,

First time I post a question (normal I can find any solutions here, but i dont know how to find this problem).
I hope this is the right way. Also my primary language is dutch, i try to write it in my best english, also iam a novice in javascript and always try to find a way in this by searching on the web and this forum.

I read a XML file (see example below) and write data into a SQL database (MS SQL Server Express (64-bit) 15.0.2000.5).
Normal this is not a problem but in this case the xml is not straight forward. Part A (picture below) is a part of part B, so every row is an unique value from part B with the information from part A.

From node red:
A (as example for LoafNr)
B (as example for PipeType)
C (as example for ActualHeight)
D[2] (as example for Portion)

How it should be in the database:
A, B, C, D[0]
A, B, C, D[1]
A, B, C, D[2]

The output from reading the XML file in node red:

The XML file (information is fake and as example):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Product id="0">
        <Portion id="1">
        <Portion id="2">
        <Portion id="3">
    <Product id="1">
        <Portion id="1">
        <Portion id="2">
        <Portion id="3">

My flow:

        "id": "220d91c57ea341b1",
        "type": "tab",
        "label": "Flow 2",
        "disabled": false,
        "info": "",
        "env": []
        "id": "dc7096150df6cd7f",
        "type": "file in",
        "z": "220d91c57ea341b1",
        "name": "",
        "filename": "",
        "format": "utf8",
        "chunk": false,
        "sendError": false,
        "encoding": "none",
        "allProps": false,
        "x": 360,
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        "wires": [
        "id": "76ec37334a5792c0",
        "type": "debug",
        "z": "220d91c57ea341b1",
        "name": "",
        "active": true,
        "tosidebar": true,
        "console": false,
        "tostatus": false,
        "complete": "payload",
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        "statusVal": "",
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        "x": 1750,
        "y": 200,[spoiler]This text will be hidden[/spoiler]
        "wires": []
        "id": "a95cc556f9d96536",
        "type": "function",
        "z": "220d91c57ea341b1",
        "name": "SQL INSERT table dbo.XML_CenterCutOut ",
        "func": "     var  ProductData = 0\n      var  Product = 0\n      var  Product_ID = msg.payload.$.id\n      var  Product_ID2 = msg.payload.ID[0]\n      var  TimeStamp = (new Date(msg.payload.TimeStamp[0]).toISOString())\n      var  MaschinNr = msg.payload.MaschinNr[0]\n      var  LoafNr = msg.payload.LoafNr[0]\n      var  ProductTypeNr = msg.payload.ProductTypeNr[0]\n      var  PortionCount = msg.payload.PortionCount[0]\n      var  ActualMaxHeightPipe1 = msg.payload.ActualMaxHeightPipe1[0]\n      var  ActualMaxHeightPipe2 = msg.payload.ActualMaxHeightPipe2[0]\n      var  ActualMaxHeightPipe3 = msg.payload.ActualMaxHeightPipe3[0]\n      var  PipeType = msg.payload.PipeType[0]\n      var  PipeFormat = msg.payload.PipeFormat[0]\n      var  PipeDiameter = msg.payload.PipeDiameter[0]\n      var  PipeEdgeLengthA = msg.payload.PipeEdgeLengthA[0]\n      var  PipeEdgeLengthB = msg.payload.PipeEdgeLengthB[0]\n\t  var  ActualHeight = msg.payload.ActualHeight[0]\n      var  TargetWeight = msg.payload.TargetWeight[0]\n      var  ActualWeight = msg.payload.ActualWeight[0]\n      var  PreferredWeightPortion = msg.payload.PreferredWeightPortion[0]\n      var  AveragePortions = msg.payload.AveragePortions[0]\n      var  AverageReturn = msg.payload.AverageReturn[0]\n      var  SettingsValuePreferredWeight = msg.payload.SettingsValuePreferredWeight[0]\n      var  SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight = msg.payload.SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight[0]\n      var  SettingsValueMinTargetWeight = msg.payload.SettingsValueMinTargetWeight[0]\n\t  var  DataComplete = msg.payload.DataComplete[0] //OK\n      var  Portion = msg.payload.Portion[0] //OK\n      var  Portion_id = msg.payload.Portion_id[0] //NOK\n      var  Portion_ActualWeight = msg.payload.Portion_ActualWeight[0] //OK\n      var  Portion_Coding = msg.payload.Portion_Coding[0] //OK\n  \n \nmsg.payload = \"INSERT INTO [A-Ware].[dbo].[XML_CenterCutOut](ProductData, Product, Product_ID, Product_ID2, TimeStamp, MaschinNr, LoafNr, ProductTypeNr, PortionCount, ActualMaxHeightPipe1, ActualMaxHeightPipe2, ActualMaxHeightPipe3, PipeType, PipeFormat, PipeDiameter, PipeEdgeLengthA, PipeEdgeLengthB, ActualHeight, TargetWeight, ActualWeight, PreferredWeightPortion, AveragePortions, AverageReturn, SettingsValuePreferredWeight, SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight, SettingsValueMinTargetWeight, DataComplete, Portion, Portion_id, Portion_ActualWeight, Portion_Coding) VALUES ('\"+ProductData+\"', '\"+Product+\"', '\"+Product_ID+\"', '\"+Product_ID2+\"', '\"+TimeStamp+\"', '\"+MaschinNr+\"', '\"+LoafNr+\"', '\"+ProductTypeNr+\"', '\"+PortionCount+\"', '\"+ActualMaxHeightPipe1+\"', '\"+ActualMaxHeightPipe2+\"', '\"+ActualMaxHeightPipe3+\"', '\"+PipeType+\"', '\"+PipeFormat+\"', '\"+PipeDiameter+\"', '\"+PipeEdgeLengthA+\"', '\"+PipeEdgeLengthB+\"', '\"+ActualHeight+\"', '\"+TargetWeight+\"', '\"+ActualWeight+\"', '\"+PreferredWeightPortion+\"', '\"+AveragePortions+\"', '\"+AverageReturn+\"', '\"+SettingsValuePreferredWeight+\"', '\"+SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight+\"', '\"+SettingsValueMinTargetWeight+\"', '\"+DataComplete+\"', '\"+Portion+\"', '\"+Portion_id+\"', '\"+Portion_ActualWeight+\"', '\"+Portion_Coding+\"')\";\n  \nreturn msg;",
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        "z": "220d91c57ea341b1",
        "folder": "D:\\simulatie",
        "recursive": 0,
        "typeEvent": "create",
        "ignoreInitial": true,
        "ignoredFiles": "LoafDT#",
        "ignoredFilesType": "re",
        "name": "Watch CenterCutOutDT",
        "x": 120,
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Are you asking for advice on how to design the database (which is nothing to do with node-red) or how to get the data into the database once you have designed the db?

I ask for advice about node-red, not the database. If i have to be specific it is a question about:

From node red:
A (as example for LoafNr)
B (as example for PipeType)
C (as example for ActualHeight)
D[2] (as example for Portion)

How it should be in the database:
A, B, C, D[0]
A, B, C, D[1]
A, B, C, D[2]

I know how to send the information to the database. For me is the biggest question how to prepare it. I need to send seperate messages with the information D + A,B,C. D is a array and ABC needs to be added to D in every message. The message i prepare to send to the database with a INSERT query.

So if:

D[0] = 1
D[1] = 44
D[2] = 9
D[3] = 33
To a single message:
Message1: 10, 33, 123, 1
Message2: 10, 33, 123, 44
Message3: 10, 33, 123, 9
Message4: 10, 33, 123, 33

Hi, here is a better way.


[{"id":"34bad0dfbb405ba1","type":"xml","z":"220d91c57ea341b1","name":"","property":"payload","attr":"","chr":"","x":850,"y":140,"wires":[["afb7202973625132"]]},{"id":"aa749ab8ce0be585","type":"split","z":"220d91c57ea341b1","name":"","splt":"\\n","spltType":"str","arraySplt":1,"arraySpltType":"len","stream":false,"addname":"","x":670,"y":200,"wires":[["8df0007b12b0428b"]]},{"id":"c24faade58a75faf","type":"inject","z":"220d91c57ea341b1","name":"file data (sample)","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?> <ProductData>     <Product id=\"0\">         <ID>425</ID>         <TimeStamp>DT#2011-03-28-00:47:37</TimeStamp>         <MaschinNr>111</MaschinNr>         <LoafNr>123</LoafNr>         <ProductTypeNr>33</ProductTypeNr>         <PortionCount>3</PortionCount>         <ActualMaxHeightPipe1>2</ActualMaxHeightPipe1>         <ActualMaxHeightPipe2>3</ActualMaxHeightPipe2>         <ActualMaxHeightPipe3>4</ActualMaxHeightPipe3>         <PipeType>1</PipeType>         <PipeFormat>2</PipeFormat>         <PipeDiameter>0</PipeDiameter>         <PipeEdgeLengthA>5</PipeEdgeLengthA>         <PipeEdgeLengthB>6</PipeEdgeLengthB>         <ActualHeight>1,1</ActualHeight>         <TargetWeight>0</TargetWeight>         <ActualWeight>15.347,1</ActualWeight>         <PreferredWeightPortion>4530</PreferredWeightPortion>         <AveragePortions>4439,03</AveragePortions>         <AverageReturn>1</AverageReturn>         <SettingsValuePreferredWeight>4510</SettingsValuePreferredWeight>         <SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight>4516</SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight>         <SettingsValueMinTargetWeight>4437</SettingsValueMinTargetWeight>         <DataComplete>1</DataComplete>         <Portion id=\"1\">             <ActualWeight>4448,2</ActualWeight>             <Coding>X1</Coding>         </Portion>         <Portion id=\"2\">             <ActualWeight>4536,1</ActualWeight>             <Coding>X2</Coding>         </Portion>         <Portion id=\"3\">             <ActualWeight>4412,8</ActualWeight>             <Coding>X3</Coding>         </Portion>     </Product>     <Product id=\"1\">         <ID>426</ID>         <TimeStamp>DT#2011-03-28-00:47:37</TimeStamp>         <MaschinNr>111</MaschinNr>         <LoafNr>123</LoafNr>         <ProductTypeNr>33</ProductTypeNr>         <PortionCount>3</PortionCount>         <ActualMaxHeightPipe1>2</ActualMaxHeightPipe1>         <ActualMaxHeightPipe2>3</ActualMaxHeightPipe2>         <ActualMaxHeightPipe3>4</ActualMaxHeightPipe3>         <PipeType>1</PipeType>         <PipeFormat>2</PipeFormat>         <PipeDiameter>0</PipeDiameter>         <PipeEdgeLengthA>5</PipeEdgeLengthA>         <PipeEdgeLengthB>6</PipeEdgeLengthB>         <ActualHeight>1,1</ActualHeight>         <TargetWeight>0</TargetWeight>         <ActualWeight>15.347,1</ActualWeight>         <PreferredWeightPortion>4530</PreferredWeightPortion>         <AveragePortions>4439,03</AveragePortions>         <AverageReturn>1</AverageReturn>         <SettingsValuePreferredWeight>4510</SettingsValuePreferredWeight>         <SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight>4516</SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight>         <SettingsValueMinTargetWeight>4437</SettingsValueMinTargetWeight>         <DataComplete>1</DataComplete>         <Portion id=\"1\">             <ActualWeight>4448,2</ActualWeight>             <Coding>X1</Coding>         </Portion>         <Portion id=\"2\">             <ActualWeight>4536,1</ActualWeight>             <Coding>X2</Coding>         </Portion>         <Portion id=\"3\">             <ActualWeight>4412,8</ActualWeight>             <Coding>X3</Coding>         </Portion>     </Product> </ProductData>","payloadType":"str","x":680,"y":140,"wires":[["34bad0dfbb405ba1"]]},{"id":"8df0007b12b0428b","type":"function","z":"220d91c57ea341b1","name":"","func":"\nconst data = {\n    ProductData: 0,\n    Product: 0,\n    Product_ID: msg.payload.$.id,\n    Product_ID2: msg.payload.ID[0],\n    TimeStamp: (new Date(msg.payload.TimeStamp[0]).toISOString()),\n    MaschinNr: msg.payload.MaschinNr[0],\n    LoafNr: msg.payload.LoafNr[0],\n    ProductTypeNr: msg.payload.ProductTypeNr[0],\n    PortionCount: msg.payload.PortionCount[0],\n    ActualMaxHeightPipe1: msg.payload.ActualMaxHeightPipe1[0],\n    ActualMaxHeightPipe2: msg.payload.ActualMaxHeightPipe2[0],\n    ActualMaxHeightPipe3: msg.payload.ActualMaxHeightPipe3[0],\n    PipeType: msg.payload.PipeType[0],\n    PipeFormat: msg.payload.PipeFormat[0],\n    PipeDiameter: msg.payload.PipeDiameter[0],\n    PipeEdgeLengthA: msg.payload.PipeEdgeLengthA[0],\n    PipeEdgeLengthB: msg.payload.PipeEdgeLengthB[0],\n    ActualHeight: msg.payload.ActualHeight[0],\n    TargetWeight: msg.payload.TargetWeight[0],\n    ActualWeight: msg.payload.ActualWeight[0],\n    PreferredWeightPortion: msg.payload.PreferredWeightPortion[0],\n    AveragePortions: msg.payload.AveragePortions[0],\n    AverageReturn: msg.payload.AverageReturn[0],\n    SettingsValuePreferredWeight: msg.payload.SettingsValuePreferredWeight[0],\n    SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight: msg.payload.SettingsValueMaxTargetWeight[0],\n    SettingsValueMinTargetWeight: msg.payload.SettingsValueMinTargetWeight[0],\n    DataComplete: msg.payload.DataComplete[0] //OK,\n}\nconst portions = msg.payload.Portion\nfor (let index = 0; index < portions.length; index++) {\n    const p = portions[index];\n    data.Portion_id = p.$.id;\n    data.Portion_ActualWeight = p.ActualWeight[0];\n    data.Portion_Coding = p.Coding[0];\n    const m = { payload: data };\n    node.send(m);\n}\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":840,"y":200,"wires":[["d2917f815592bdd9"]]},{"id":"d2917f815592bdd9","type":"debug","z":"220d91c57ea341b1","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1010,"y":200,"wires":[]},{"id":"afb7202973625132","type":"change","z":"220d91c57ea341b1","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"payload.ProductData.Product","tot":"msg"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":1000,"y":140,"wires":[["aa749ab8ce0be585"]]}]

This gives you the messages - next feed these into a MSSQL-PLUS message and address the items directly using parameters

1 Like

You can do that by iterating the array msg.payload.Portion and using node.send() to send each message. Something like this:

msg.payload.Portion.forEach( sendIt )
return null

function sendIt( portion ) {
  // build the sql string using msg.payload.Timestamp, etc, the portion element is in the variable portion.
  const sql = `INSERT INTO table ..... `   
  node.send( payload: sql )

I don't use MS SQL so don't know if it is correct to put it in msg.payload, so that may be wrong. I believe that most use node-red-contrib-mssql-plus for MS SQL

1 Like

Wow, i really have no words. This is exactly what I mean. Thank you!

@Colin Also thanks! Yes i use mssql-plus, i prepare in a function the query and send it as one row.

So instead of using a dangerous SQL STRING to do the insert, use parameters...

1 Like

Steve's way is better of course.

Ha! I did try that way, it didnt work, now by seeing your example i know what i did wrong. Thanks again.

@Colin I like to learn so i try your way also.

1 Like

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