Reading multiple addresses from MC Protocol (Mitsubishi FX PLC)

that is only the MC Protocol node.

I said "Share your none working flow (Select relevant nodes..."

That said, i can see you have entered the address D990. That will READ only 1 WORD of data!. How do you expect to parse things like temperatureSetting which is at D993?

Let me explain the point of this all.

  1. You want to READ from the PLC many things at once to make your code easier to maintain, get best performance, get good consistent data
  2. So we read 99 16 bit integers starting from D990
    1. Remember, D registers are 16 bit AKA 2 bytes wide
  3. That means D990 value is at index 0 (offset byte 0)
  4. That means D991 value is at index 1 (offset byte 2)
  5. That means D992 value is at index 2 (offset byte 4)
  6. That means D993 value is at index 3 (offset byte 6)

Here is a table of things from your PDF and how they align with D990 as the starting point

Remember, the 99 points of data are READ starting from D990, Index 0, byte offset 0

ITEM AREA ADDR Nicer Property Name Byte Offset Index Offset
EXTRUSION ROD NUMBER D 990 extrusionRodNumber 0 0
EXTRUSION TIME D 991 extrusionTime 2 1
TEMPERATURE GIVEN D 992 temperatureGiven 4 2
TEMPERATURE SETTING D 993 temperatureSetting 6 3
RAPIDA D 1004 rapida 28 14
CHAMDA DE D 1005 chamdaDe 30 15
PROTECAOB D 1006 protecaob 32 16
PROTECAOA D 1007 protecaoa 34 17
FREAGEM D 1008 freagem 36 18
LIMIT PRESSURE OF MASTER CYLINDER D 1011 limitPressureOfMasterCylinder 42 21
VELOC 4 D 1012 veloc4 44 22
VELOC 3 D 1013 veloc3 46 23
VELOC 2 D 1014 veloc2 48 24
RAPIDA D 1015 rapida 50 25
FILLING PRESSURE GIVEN D 1016 fillingPressureGiven 52 26
SLOPE GIVEN OF BREAKTHROGH PRESSURE D 1017 slopeGivenOfBreakthroughPressure 54 27
VELOCITY ATTENUATION RATIO D 1019 velocityAttenuationRatio 58 29
VELOCITY ATTENUATION STROKE D 1020 velocityAttenuationStroke 60 30
MAXIMUM STROKE GIVEN D 1024 maximumStrokeGiven 68 34
ACTUAL VALUE OF COIL D 1058 actualValueOfCoil 136 68
BREAK THROGH PRESSURE D 1070 breakthroughPressure 160 80
RESIDUAL POSITION D 1076 residualPosition 172 86
MASTER CYLNDER POSITION D 1077 masterCylinderPosition 174 87
RATE OF DECAY D 1078 rateOfDecay 176 88
PRESSURE OF MAIN CYLINDER D 1081 pressureOfMainCylinder 182 91
SPEED GIVEN D 1082 speedGiven 184 92
SETTING POINT OF COIL D 1083 settingPointOfCoil 186 93
PRESSURE OF SIDE CYLINDER D 1084 pressureOfSideCylinder 188 94
COIL CURRENT D 1085 coilCurrent 190 95
MASTER CYLINDER SPPED D 1086 masterCylinderSpeed 192 96

Note how rateOfDecay is entered in the buffer parser as using byte Offset 176 - and how it matches up to D1078 in the above table.


In order to PARSE a chunk of data all at once, into nicely formatted object, you first NEED to request 99 things. Thats why I put D990,99 in the comments and in the inject node and wrote it explicitly for you

Does that make sense?

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