Hey All,
I'm building a solar hot water heater and I'm measuring the temperature of the output water. I want to know what the hottest and lowest temps are in a day and reset those numbers at midnight.
So far I've created 2 flow variables currentExitTemp and lastHighTemp. I'm trying to compare them in a function node but something isn't right. The debug shows up as undefined.
How can I make the comparison and record the daily highs and lows?
this is the function
let currentTemp = parseFloat(msg.payload[0]);
let lastHighTemp = parseFloat(msg.payload[1]);
if (currentTemp >= lastHighTemp) {
msg.payload = msg.payload[0];
flow.set("lastHighTemp", msg.payload[0]);
else {
msg.payload = msg.payload[1];
return msg;
and the flow
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"name": "function 19",
"func": "let currentTemp = parseFloat(msg.payload[0]);\nlet lastHighTemp = parseFloat(msg.payload[1]);\n\nif (currentTemp >= lastHighTemp) {\n msg.payload = msg.payload[0];\n flow.set(\"lastHighTemp\", msg.payload[0]);\n}\n\nelse {\n msg.payload = msg.payload[1];\n}\n\nreturn msg;",
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