Remote I/O Error with Sequent SmartFan

Hello Everyone,

I am just getting rolling with Node-Red. I got some Sequent 16 I/O boards and relay boards along with the Fan.

I can get the fan to run with the command line. I have a node with the fan on the palette and have injected a numerical value to the node which it should run at that value.

I do have i2C enabled in raspi-config, and remote IO disabled (which I was told that it could interfere)

I have installed the I2C from fivdi I will try the software version tonight

Could I have some permissions not enabled that are blocking it somewhere ?


This is the start of my Smart RV project.

Welcome to the forum @txrocks .

Are you using these with a Raspberry Pi?
Exactly which Sequent board[s] do you have?
Which Raspberry Pi and Operating system?

What commands work to control the fan?

What node is that?

Please show us a screen capture of your Node-red flow including any error messages you see.

Raspberry PI 5 with Raspbian

Sequent boards

Smart Fan HAT the Best Cooling Solution for Raspberry Pi

SKU: SM-I-008

Sixteen Analog/Digital Inputs 8-Layer Stackable HAT for Raspberry Pi

SKU: SM-I-018

Sixteen Relays 2A/24V 8-Layer Stackable HAT for Raspberry Pi

SKU: SM-I-013

I have not tried pulling the relay and IO board off and running the fan board only. (Do not know why i did not think of that until now). I am wondering after looking at all the DIP switches if something there is causing my issue. I have not had much time to try things so far. Really enjoying Node-Red so far.

In the screen shot I tried just injecting a numerical value as the input to the fan node is supposed to be a 0-100 numerical value for the input. In the fan block I can select what stack it is on. It is on the first one on top of the RPI which I thought would be 0. I have tried 1 and 2 just for the heck of it. I have restarted the RPI to see if there was a change not saved also that would resolve with a reboot.

I can control the fan from the CLI with "fan" command. I can set the speed, see what the fan power is, fan -h will bring up the full list of commands that are available.

I got the node from node-red-contrib-sm-sfan 1.0.1

thank you!

Since you say you can control the fan from the command line, it's probably worth testing if the same commands work from Node-red using the exec node.
Make sure that you supply the full path for the command.

I was able to use inject and that works. I was able to run the fan to 100%

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