Reset ui gauge classic

Hey guys,
I use this gauge with the 3 values & needles. I want to clear the values & the needles, the needles should go to zero & the values should show "-".
If I set the values to "null" via function node, the last values are always shown.
Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong & has a tip for me?

This is after the "clear" button:

And this is what I want:

Thanks in advance

@Colin - FYI

Sending an empty string will reset it.

I'm using a function node with:

var res = {payload: "", topic: "PC min. Temp"};
return res;

directly connected to the gauge node, the needle goes down but the value is still there


Is that the first needle? The value displayed is for the first one.

If it isn't that then export the function node and the gauge and post them here.

I can't export atm, because I'm on my smartphone.
I think it must be something with msg.ui_update

var res = {payload: "", topic: "PC min. Temp"};
msg.ui_update = {units:''}

return res,msg;

it appears you have found a bug. Setting the units to an empty string does not work. I have opened an issue to remind me to fix it. It may take a few days to get round to it. In the meantime use, for example
msg.ui_update = {units:'-'}

By the way, you can do it all in one message, which is a little more efficient.

msg.payload = ""
msg.topic: "PC min. Temp"};
msg.ui_update = {units:'-'}
return msg
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Yes, thank you so much. Finally it works the way I want it. But there are some spelling mistakes:

msg.payload = "";
msg.topic="PC min. Temp";
msg.ui_update = {units:'-'};
return msg;

True, I have to leave something for you to do :slight_smile:

In modern JS, the semi-colons are not needed, so this should work too

msg.payload = ""
msg.topic="PC min. Temp"
msg.ui_update = {units:'-'}
return msg

This is fixed now, version 1.2.1 is available for install.

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