Rpi Serial communtication to Marlin on Arduino Mega

Hello, Node-Red community,

I'm using Node-Red on an RPi to communicate with Stepper Motors and End Stops through Arduino Mega running Marlin. For anyone attempting the same add \n\r\ to the end of the gCode.

Does anyone know why the timeout error is on the node? It still behaves correctly, it just reads timeout.


[ { "id": "88eff803339c0f96", "type": "inject", "z": "679e90e647c79722", "name": "", "props": [ { "p": "payload" }, { "p": "topic", "vt": "str" } ], "repeat": "", "crontab": "", "once": false, "onceDelay": 0.1, "topic": "", "payload": "G0 X10 Y10 Z10\\n\\r", "payloadType": "str", "x": 290, "y": 1720, "wires": [ [ "6e8780bb7a79ce2a", "4e4aeccfc40c22ed" ] ] }, { "id": "6e8780bb7a79ce2a", "type": "serial request", "z": "679e90e647c79722", "name": "", "serial": "ddf83384608c514e", "x": 620, "y": 1780, "wires": [ [ "4e4aeccfc40c22ed" ] ] }, { "id": "4e4aeccfc40c22ed", "type": "debug", "z": "679e90e647c79722", "name": "", "active": true, "tosidebar": true, "console": false, "tostatus": false, "complete": "payload", "targetType": "msg", "statusVal": "", "statusType": "auto", "x": 830, "y": 1720, "wires": [] }, { "id": "4ac23ad83ed641d4", "type": "inject", "z": "679e90e647c79722", "name": "", "props": [ { "p": "payload" }, { "p": "topic", "vt": "str" } ], "repeat": "", "crontab": "", "once": false, "onceDelay": 0.1, "topic": "", "payload": "G0 X0 Y0 Z0\\n\\r", "payloadType": "str", "x": 280, "y": 1780, "wires": [ [ "6e8780bb7a79ce2a", "4e4aeccfc40c22ed" ] ] }, { "id": "a65d077d480c0e52", "type": "comment", "z": "679e90e647c79722", "name": "Moves stepper x y and z +-10 steps", "info": "", "x": 160, "y": 1820, "wires": [] }, { "id": "ddf83384608c514e", "type": "serial-port", "serialport": "/dev/ttyACM0", "serialbaud": "9600", "databits": "8", "parity": "none", "stopbits": "1", "waitfor": "", "dtr": "none", "rts": "none", "cts": "none", "dsr": "none", "newline": "\\r", "bin": "false", "out": "char", "addchar": "\\n\\r", "responsetimeout": "0" } ]

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