Setting ui from tasmota not working

I use the node-red-contrib-tasmota to control my devices. I want to set the color of a color picker from the output of this device.

I have set my color picker to output an object. I have written a function to convert the array of numbers the tasmota nodes returns to an object that looks like the one outputed by the color picker.

let res = {
h: msg.payload[0],
s: msg.payload[1] / 100,
l: msg.payload[2] / 100

The hue gets set to red and lightness gets set to 0, but the color changes correctly, so the reverse way works

Sorry, I don't understand that statement, or what question you are asking.
Also show us the input to the function node (as shown in a debug node), the output from the function node, and what output you expect.

I solved it myself. I has some typos.

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