Several MQTT to one InfluxDB 2.0 bucket

Hello ,
I'm very newbie so apologize if the question seems weird !

i have 1 mqtt provider with 3 differents topics
I subscribe at each like this xxx/#
The payload for each sensors is like this :

chaudiere_1/T.EXTERNE/H.ext : msg.payload : number

I made change like this :

The msg.payload function :

        "value": msg.payload
        "capteur": msg.topic

Example of data send to influxdb2.0:

  "topic": "chaudiere_1/T.INTERNE/H.interne",
  "payload": [
      "value": 37.8
      "capteur": "chaudiere_1/T.INTERNE/H.interne"
  "_msgid": "d56418462e3d2b1b",
  "measurement": "chaudiere_1/T.INTERNE/H.interne"

And all datas go to influxdb2.0 bucket
As you can see below all data are under the same measurement.

How can i send data to have a different measurement for each subscribe topic ?

Thanks !

It is a little hard for me to fully understand your question. But here is a suggestion:
Try to group your measurements by physical unit. And then use tags for the different devices (e.g. a certain maschine or computer system ) of the measurement.
If an origin has also different sensors

   "device": "T.INTERNE",
   "base": "claudiere_1"
   "chaude" : 12.3,
   "froid" : -10.3

In this example the device "T.INTERNE" has 2 temperature sensors named "chaude" and "froid".

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